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LeadBoxes® Roundup: Our Top 10 Favorite LeadBoxes® for October

By The Leadpages Team  |  Published Nov 03, 2014  |  Updated Mar 31, 2023
By The Leadpages Team

“How else can I be using LeadBoxes®?” That’s one of the most common questions we hear from LeadPages™ users after they see the results from creating their first LeadBox™ (which, on average, results in a 30% boost in conversions). It’s one we’re happy to answer. After all, since you can place a LeadBox™ anywhere you can insert HTML, the options are almost limitless. And that’s what you’ll see in our LeadBoxes® Roundup for the month of October — 10 different ways marketers are using LeadBoxes® to build their email lists and grow their businesses.

1. Life on Fire: Virtual Event Access LeadBox™

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This example from Life on Fire shows off one of the most prominent ways to utilize a LeadBox™.[/caption] What Stands Out: To help Life on Fire promote their Virtual Summit featuring speakers like Gary Vaynerchuk and John Lee Dumas, Mike and Robin Pisciotta built a LeadBox™ right into the first fold of the landing page they designed for them. This LeadBox™ allows visitors to enter their first name and email address to get free access to the online event, thus fulfilling this page’s top priority. Robin & Mike Pisciotta omitted the optional left-aligned image in the LeadBox™ window, giving it a sleek, minimalistic feel. They then customized the opt-in button to match Life On Fire’s brand signature orange color. To see this LeadBox™ in action, click here. (NOTE: If you like this landing page design, Mike and Robin Pisciotta will be releasing it as a template in the LeadPages™ Marketplace soon, so keep an eye out!)

2. Entice Online Marketing: Popup Content Upgrade LeadBox™

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After approximately 45 seconds, Entice Online Marketing’s timed popup LeadBox™ appears with an irresistible offer.[/caption] What Stands Out: We recently tripled the functionality of LeadBoxes® by allowing users to publish them as timed or exit popups. In this case, Ashley Faulkes at Entice Online Marketing created a timed popup LeadBox™ for a blog post he wrote about social media marketing. The LeadBox™ offers visitors a content upgrade (which we wrote about in great detail here) in the form of a downloadable social media marketing guide. As you can see in the above GIF, the LeadBox™ timed popup automatically appears as I’m reading through the post. Ashley customized the LeadBox to include his site’s logo at the top and a conceptualized product image on the left, making his offering more tangible to visitors. To see this LeadBox™ in action, click here.

3. MikeKim.tv: Free Report Home Page LeadBox™

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Mike Kim’s well-designed home page is rounded out with a LeadBox™ that builds his email list.[/caption] What Stands Out: Getting more email subscribers is a top priority for many online businesses. If it’s one of yours, you might consider doing what Mike Kim has done on his website, MikeKim.tv. Mike used some of the most valuable real estates on his website (the “hero section” in the first fold of his home page) to offer visitors a copy of his 34-page free guide, The DIY Blog Guide. He linked a simple line of text reading, “Click here to get your copy,” to a LeadBox™ that allows visitors to opt-in to receive the guide and join Mike’s email list. The LeadBox™ features a conceptualized image of his guide along with solid copy that lets visitors know what they’ll be receiving and how it will benefit them. This is a great way to utilize LeadBoxes® to optimize your home page for more email opt-ins. To see this LeadBox™ in action, click here.

4. Diane Bondy Yoga: Sidebar LeadBox™

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Diane Bondy takes her sidebar to the next level with a LeadBox™ featuring a unique offer.[/caption] What Stands Out: The home page hero section, of course, is just one example of valuable real estate on your website. Another? Your sidebar. That’s exactly what Diane Bondy takes advantage of in this example. She linked an image in her sidebar to a LeadBox™ that allows visitors to opt-in for a free online yoga class in exchange for their name and email address. She customized the LeadBox™ to feature a high-quality photo of herself demonstrating a yoga pose. This allows Diane to both establish credibility and give visitors a glimpse of what they may learn in her free online class. To see this LeadBox™ in action, click here.

5. Mobile Mixed: Home Page LeadBoxes®

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The Mobile Mixed home page features not one, but two LeadBoxes™.[/caption] What Stands Out: Greg Hickman doubles down with LeadBoxes® on the MobileMixed.com home page in a way that allows him to both built his email list and learn more about his subscribers. As you can see above, Greg has created two different buttons that connect to two different LeadBoxes® beneath a subheadline that reads “I want to use mobile marketing to…” Button #1 reads, “Market my own business with mobile,” while Button #2 reads, “Make money selling mobile services.” This allows Greg to know exactly what his visitors are looking for when they opt-in. If they opt-in with LeadBox™ #1, he knows they want to incorporate mobile marketing into their business. If they opt-in through LeadBox™ #2, they’re more interested in making money selling mobile services. This allows Greg to separate subscribers into different segments so he can give them content that’s relevant to their exact needs. This is a great technique to use if you attract distinctly different types of visitors to your site. To see this LeadBox™ in action, click here.

6. Jacob Bock: Free Print LeadBox™

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Jacob Bock lends a personal touch to the LeadBox™ on the Brian Moran Facebook Template.[/caption] What Stands Out: It’s fitting that a LeadBox™ offering visitors a free piece of art would look this great. LeadPages™ user Jacob Bock customized the LeadBox™ built into the Brian Moran Facebook Template to include a beautiful, branded banner image in place of the default progress bar. He also customized it to feature an image of the free print he’s offering visitors when they join his email list. This example shows that not only can you increase your conversion rates with LeadBoxes®...you can also make opting into your email list a beautiful experience for your visitors.

7. The Robert D.: Content Upgrade LeadBox™

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Implementing a LeadBox™ is a great way to increase your conversion rate on any blog post.[/caption] What Stands Out: Here, Robert D. Smith of TheRobertD.com illustrates another tried-and-true method for offering blog readers a content upgrade — a button at the bottom of your post that generates a LeadBox™. The content of the free download connects perfectly with the content of the blog post, titled “My 4-Step Secret to Generating Big Ideas.” Matching the content of your lead magnet with the content of your blog post is the essence of the content upgrade strategy. Robert also customized the button text on this LeadBox™ to read, “Click Here to Download Now.” We’ve found this type of “download now” button copy phrasing to be highly effective in many of our own LeadBoxes® here at LeadPages™. If you haven’t tried combining a content upgrade with LeadBoxes® yet, I highly recommend you do so, just like Robert did in this example.

8. iCapture: Free Software Trial LeadBox™

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This LeadBox does more than build iCapture’s email list...it also signs visitors up for a free trial of their software.[/caption] What Stands Out: Free trials are one of the most common ways software businesses attract new leads. Here, iCapture uses a LeadBox™ on their home page to optimize their free trial signup process. They reinforce the free nature of the trial with the headline on their LeadBox™, and then drive it home with their “Activate Free Trial Now” opt-in button copy. If you offer a free trial in your business, try using a LeadBox™ to sign people up for it. We’re willing to bet you’ll see your signup conversion rate increase. To see this LeadBox™ in action, click here.

9. Hannah Help Me!: Crazy Mama Bonus Bundle LeadBox™

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Hannah Keely of HannahHelpMe.com used the eye-catching Book Sales Page to offer visitors a “bonus bundle” related to her newest book.[/caption] What Stands Out: Hannah’s LeadBox™ looks great and includes a well-done image of her “bonus bundle,” but what really stands out is her copy. From the start, it speaks right to her audience — “Don’t want to wait? We get it!” — letting them know that instant gratification is available. They can dive right into the bonus materials now instead of waiting until after they read the book. She then attaches a reasonable dollar value to the bonus (“over $70 value”) and includes crystal clear button copy (“Send It to Me!”). When you add all these ingredients together, it makes for memorable LeadBox™. To see this LeadBox™ in action, click here.

10. Lisa Rothstein: Webinar 3.0 Page Replay LeadBox™

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Lisa Rothstein’s LeadBox™ allows her visitors to receive her most recent webinar replay.[/caption] What Stands Out: I wanted to include this final example for a few reasons:

  1. It shows off our beautiful Webinar 3.0 Page template (at the time of this writing, it’s the highest converting template inside LeadPages™).
  2. Lisa utilized the awesome buttons built into this template (check out the slick animation when the mouse hovers over them) to trigger a LeadBox™ that makes excellent use of white space.
  3. Lisa actually uses this page to deliver a webinar replay, and that’s reflected in her crystal clear LeadBox™ button text copy: “Get Instant Access to the Replay.” Sometimes, it pays to keep things simple.

To see this LeadBox™ in action, click here.

Bonus: Exit LeadBox™ on the LeadPages™ Blog

Part of our philosophy at LeadPages™ is that we "eat our own dog food" — we're the biggest users of our own product. So when we get an interesting result using LeadPages™, we like to share it with you. Which brings me to the latest exit popup LeadBox™ we implemented: [caption id="" align="alignnone" width="758"]


This popup LeadBox™ appears automatically whenever a visitor is about to exit the page.[/caption]

This exit popup offered visitors who were about to leave our blog post a content upgrade PDF download. As you can see, it automatically appears when the mouse hovers over the "x" button in the upper lefthand corner.

But here's the interesting part — this exit popup LeadBox™ converted at 16%. If you've spent much time experimenting with exit popups, you know that's an uncommonly high conversion rate.

If you haven't tried implementing an exit popup yet, I'd recommend giving it a shot. This video will show you how to set one up in just a few minutes.

Oh, and while you're on this page, if you'd like to see an exit popup LeadBox™ in action, simply hover over the "x" button in the top lefthand corner of your browser if you're on your desktop.

How Are You Using LeadBoxes®?

That wraps it up for this month, but before you go, tell us — how are YOU using LeadBoxes® in your business? Did any of these examples inspire new ideas you plan on implementing? Drop a comment below and let us know!

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By The Leadpages Team
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