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Instant Download: The Best-Performing Landing Page For Doing a Q & A Session Via A LiveStream Event (Hint: This Crushes It During A Launch)

By The Leadpages Team  |  Published Oct 20, 2012  |  Updated Mar 31, 2023
By The Leadpages Team
  • This template is excellent for doing UStream Marketing or LiveStream marketing.

[cta-box] Video Transcript: Hello everyone. My name is Clay Collins and in this episode of the marketing show, I’m going to be giving you and incredibly optimized landing page that you can download and use immediately in your business to host live streaming events to generate sales. This is incredibly tweaked, incredibly adjusted to increase your conversions. We’re going to show you how it works, we’re going to show you why it works, we’re going to show how you can use it in your business and we’re going to show you why we use it in our business. That’s what you have to look forward to in this episode of the Marketing Show. So in just a second, I’m going to show you the template that we’re giving to you today. But before I do that, I want to talk about the benefit of doing a live stream or Ustream event. So these kinds of events allow you to increase your exposure during a launch. You might notice that a lot of the big marketing names these days are using live stream events during their launch and it is because they absolutely crush it. When you have that opportunity to get in front of your audience and to be an even that takes place during your life where you can be in front of them and show them that there’s a real person that stands behind your product, who’s there to address questions, someone who’s knowledgeable about the subject matter and someone who is really there to help and to address you where they are that can increase conversions. It also allows you to address objections, right? So a lot of times people might have an objection about your product that you don’t even know about. And when you do these types of live streaming events, it really allows you to address those objections head-on and it gives you the opportunity to learn what the common objections are to your product while the cart is open. So you can actually adjust your course of flight while the cart is open for your product or if your cart is always open for your product. If you’re like us and you’re on an ever green business model, it allows you to constantly be learning about the aspects of your product that people like and about the aspects of your product that maybe you need to reframe or change. It also allows you to learn what people want. It might be that there’re something that your product is missing or at least something that your customer base thinks is missing in your product and if that is missing, this gives you the opportunity to provide that or to sort of address whatever they think is missing and either add it or kind of reframe the issue. But it really allows you to learn what people are after. It allows you to learn how people perceive your marketing. It also allows you to tweak your sales copy. After you’ve learned these things, after you’ve heard people’s objections, you’ve learned what they want, you can really adjust your sales copy and aadjust your marketing depending on what you learn during a Ustream event. So not only do these events convert really well during the course of the event itself, it also gives you the information that you need to kind of pull what you learn from that event and pull it back into some sales copy. You can also take what you learn and turn it into a webinar. If you don’t know what kind of webinar to do, if you’re really struggling with that, one way to create a webinar is to do one of these live streaming events and take the assemblage of questions that people ask during your live streaming event and sort of take the answers to the questions that you gave and sort of compose those and turn those into a webinar. It also allows you to get closer to your audience. You can joke with them a little bit, you can interact in real time, you can exchange some inside humor. They can get to know you personally and what you’re about. You can sort of share a little bit of yourself with them in real time while they’re interacting, while they’re typing things in the chat box and while you’re reading. And if your cat walks by you can show them your cat. You can let them into your life a little bit more so you can get closer to your audience, you can get to know some of the people that love what you do and they can get to know you as well. This also is a great mechanism for holding office hours. A lot of people are used to using conference call technology, but I really think that if you want to up the ante, instead of just doing normal conference call type of office hours or Q&A sessions with your customers, your paid customers, then you can up the ante a little bit and do a live stream. This allows you to just have a greater level of intimacy. It really brings video into the picture. So as you can see, there’s a lot of advantages to using live stream. We’ve seen live streams and Q&A sessions convert higher than our webinars in some cases. So there’s absolutely nothing wrong with doing this and if you know you should be interacting with your audience on a live basis like this and you really don’t have the time to put together a solid webinar, one way to just sort of bridge that gap and get a step close to having a solid webinar is to do these live stream events. In fact even if you’re doing webinars already, you should still be doing live stream events. It’s a technology whose time has come and we’re going to show you how to do that. We’re going to give you the perfect landing page for hosting one of these yourself. So with that said, I want to introduce you to the five reasons why this is the perfect landing page for hosting a live stream or Ustream event. So the first reason is we’ve got this little like area here. So people can like this event while it’s happening or they can like your page on Facebook. The second thing is we have a easy Ustream embed area. You can just take your Ustream embed code, plop it inside this container on the page, it’s super easy to do. Ustream gives you your embed code, you just pop it in right there, no coding required other than the ability to open this in a text editor and put this on the page. The next thing is that we’ve got this bonus add to cart button. So if you’re doing a live stream or Ustream event, you might as well offer something and maybe offer a bonus for people who purchase while they’re doing a live stream event with you. So this button is right here and as you can see it is above the fold. It also has a countdown timer, so it’s really easy inside this code. It’s beautiful, clean, HTML5 code and it’s really easy to set the time for when this is going to expire. And I believe it’s set for Eastern Time. So you will basically set this to zero out at the time that your live stream or Ustream event is going to be over with. And there’s an add to cart bonus area here, so there’s definitely a call to action place on this page. You can insert your picture here and you can insert a headline and a sub headline. So reason number one is this like button, reason number two is this area, reason number three… I guess reason number three, four and five are one that there’s it’s call to action area. Two, that there is a countdown area and the next reason is that this is above the fold so obviously we’re thinking about conversion. The next thing I guess it’s the sixth reason why this converts so well, is that rather than using the live stream chat area, which we actually don’t encourage you to use, we don’t encourage you to use either the Ustream or the live stream chat area, we inserted Chatroll here for you. And you’re going to have to go and get your own Chatroll code and pop it in here, but Chatroll is free, there’s a free version of it. In fact we’re using the free version right here. And Chatroll does a few things for you, one, it makes your event viral. So someone can log in through Facebook or through Twitter… so someone can log in here through Facebook or through Twitter and there’re certain viral elements that when people are on here and they’re interacting with you that it posts to people’s Facebook walls if they wanted to and drives more people back to your event as this event is happening. One of the reasons why we like Chatroll is it allows you to moderate people in this area. So if someone is really being kind of a hater or they’re just there to troll, you can shut them down. You can even put messages in approval mode so that what people are saying has to be approved before it’s posted. You can blacklist people so that they’re not allowed to be in this chat area anymore and you can have it censor for words that you don’t want to appear here. So it will actually sensor words. We probably wouldn’t do that ourselves, but if that’s the kind of control you want to have, this allows you to have this control. So we’ve really thought about that as well and again it’s super easy to insert this into the page. You just go to Chatroll, you get the code, you pop it in and you’re good to go. Here’s an example of how we’ve customized this for ourselves. We put the Lead Player logo up here, we kind of put this symbol here, and of course here’s me. So this is our implementation of this live stream and this is how we do it. So this is what you have access to, this is how we’ve customized it and I’ve gone over the reasons why this works, why this converts. And I encourage you to take this page, to use it in your business and of course I’d love to hear who you intend on using this, I’d love to hear in the comments if you’ve done a live stream or a Ustream before. I’d love to hear how it turned out for you and I’d like to hear your reaction to this. Anyway, my name is Clay Collins. I hope you’ve enjoyed this content, I hope you’ve enjoyed this episode of the Marketing Show and I just want to let you know that we absolutely care about you. We want you to be getting amazing results in your business and we are here to help. Thank you so much and I’ll talk to you later. Goodbye.

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By The Leadpages Team
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