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5 Personal Trainer Templates for Building High-Converting Landing Pages

By The Leadpages Team  |  Published Apr 22, 2015  |  Updated Mar 31, 2023
By The Leadpages Team

I have to admit...I was a bit surprised when I researched the state of personal training marketing. Why? Well, see for yourself. Search for “personal trainers in (your city)” and check out the results. They aren’t so great. In my search, my top choices (below the ads) were Yelp, a personal trainer aggregate site and Craigslist. None of those were personal sites built by trainers. They were shared sites and, ergo, shared competition between trainers. We’re going to change that with this post. Today, I want to share with you five templates that will take your online personal trainer presence to a whole other level. These five templates range from eBook and thank you pages to video courses and minisites, all built with the goal of capturing leads and selling products. With that, let’s dive right in to the five best templates for personal trainers.


1) Travis Moore’s “Top Trainer” Series

When a template series starts off with the words “Travis Moore,” you know you’re in for a treat. He’s our most successful Marketplace author, and his “Top Trainer” series -- comprised of a minisite and a thank you page -- is one you need to start using right away if you’re serious about having an online marketing presence. Let’s start out with the first template in this sequence: the Coaching / Personal Trainer Landing Page. Take a look at this beautiful page: [caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="676"]


Click here to see the entire template.[/caption] This is a fantastic page for marketing your overall business or a specific product. The main focus is on social proof through testimonials and the all-important “before/after” imagery, and that tried-and-true method of generating interest is only enhanced by the expert craftsmanship Travis puts on display with this template. If you’re promoting a specific service or product, then you have to love the countdown bar at the top of the page. The inclusion of this countdown timer adds an urgency appeal right away, dictating the implicit need to buy a service or product before it’s too late. Beneath this timer is a hero section that Travis has honed and perfected through dozens of templates. You have the option of an image or video on the left side, and the right side consists of a text box for an overview, and an early opt-in button. The inclusion of an opt-in button so early is something we applaud, because it accomplishes two things. First, your video/overview could be so good that people want to take action right then and there. Second, even if they don’t take immediate action in the first fold, you build up familiarity with the opt-in button, as opposed to having just one and surprising a visitor with it later in the template. The biggest thing this template nails is social proof. You’ve got it in the form of a "Featured In" and "Testimonials" combo beneath the first fold:


In the "Before/After" area:


The "Photo Overview" section:


And finally a straight testimonial section (that supports up to nine glowing reviews):


Results are HUGE for a personal trainer. This is an industry where you can physically see changes if you’re doing a good job. For customers, they expect to see your successes so they have the peace of mind that you can change them into their ideal self. That means you need photos and testimonials from clients that demonstrate your ability to get results as a personal trainer. Fortunately, this template is chock-full of these opportunities. So what happens when visitors love your message and purchase or opt-in from this page? Most marketers don’t focus on the next step. They put all their effort into the first landing page, but forget that the follow-up is just as important. But not Travis. He created the Top Trainer Thank You Page to ensure that this is a “ready out-of-the-box” solution for your personal training needs:


This template is what your visitors will see once they’ve purchased or opted-in on your template. It gives the customer a sense of closure on the action they’ve just completed but, more importantly, it gives you the opportunity to spread your brand through the customer’s social network. This template includes social share buttons so your customer can share your page with their friends. You’ve already got “Yes Momentum” from a visitor who purchased or opted-in to your service, so the odds of them sharing your product are just that much higher with a thank you page such as this. If you’re just starting out and need a solid online presence for your personal training business, this series by Travis Moore should be the first thing you purchase. It’s that good.


If you haven’t noticed, Travis Moore is quite the fan of helping personal trainers fulfil their marketing needs. His next creation, the “Recommended” Product Recommended Template, is perfect for trainers that want to recommend specific products or services to their customers. [caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="744"]


Click here to see the entire template.[/caption] The top of this template is designed to be a nice, personal touch, which is a great lead-in to a product-driven template like this. There’s a spot for a greeting message -- accompanied by an image of you -- wherein you can preface the sales copy with a bit of your own personal welcome. Beneath that lies the heart of this template: the recommended products section. This area is so versatile, because you can do so much with these three product spots. You can offer up your three favorite products or services straight-up, with no weighting of any kind. You can do what Travis did in this template and use an experience-based progression, working your way up from beginner product to advanced. OR, you can do some contextual pricing and drive sales towards one specific product (while still offering all three).


Either way, you have the option to give a personal blurb underneath each product explaining why you recommend it. As an authority figure in the personal training world, your words hold considerable weight when recommending a product, and this template will allow you to lend your powerful approval to certain products. The rest of the template is full of social proof opportunities to help solidify your recommendations. There’s a “My Story” section where you can include an overview video. Below that is an “About Me” area, and the template ends with a whole list of testimonials. Through these sections, you’ll build up considerable social proof to bolster purchases in this strong recommendation template. VIEW TEMPLATE >>>

3) “Free Preview” eBook Conversion Page by Sean Bestor

Ok. So this is MY template I created for the Marketplace. Slight favoritism aside, I wanted to include it in this post because this template is absolutely perfect for capturing qualified leads in a unique way. If you’re a personal trainer, you most likely have some form of an eBook on your hands. Whether it’s a recipe book or your favorite workouts or even a beginner’s guide to finding the best pair of CrossFit shoes, you’re bound to have a lead magnet like this in your possession (and if you don’t, you really should). That’s why this template is tailor-made for you: [caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="758"]


Click here to see the entire template. [/caption] This template was developed with a three fold methodology. Each section takes up approximately one fold, and the template stays short but effective with three total folds. The first fold is full of bold imagery and a sharp text area to give an overview of your eBook. The images can be changed, and the focal point is the cover picture of your eBook. Again, like most other successful templates, you can buy the book straightaway from the first fold if your copy is enticing enough via the “Buy Book” button. The second fold of this template is where the real magic is. There’s an icon-laden “About the Book” section where you can talk about book specifics, and next to this area is an interactive eBook reader. In this reader, you can upload five pages of your eBook. Visitors can scroll through and read these pages as a preview, but on the sixth page they’re faced with a message on a black background that says, “Want to read more? Buy the eBook!”


This is the single most efficient way to make someone feel invested in your content. You give them enough to pique their interest, and then you prompt them to buy the eBook. No other template does this, and you’ll see your eBook sales go through the roof because of this one feature. The template ends with a testimonial of your choosing and one last call to action to buy the eBook. This is a completely new way to market an eBook, and I highly suggest you try it out just to see -- in the spirit of personal training -- the before and after results from using this template. VIEW TEMPLATE >>>

4) Video Course Launchpad by Scott Silvi

Even if you don’t have an eBook or some recommended products, you most assuredly have a video series to offer. This Video Course Launchpad template from Scott Silvi is a stunning combination of a video series and a time-sensitive offer in one page. [caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="750"]


Click here to see the entire template.[/caption] At the top of this template, you’ll see the ever-important countdown timer. You can choose to include this or hide it in your final template, but including it will enable you to put an expiration date on your course. This acts as an urgency appeal to visitors, making them feel like they need to watch this course right now before it goes away. Using this countdown timer will help drive immediate views, or at the very least a bookmark so they can come back to view later. The video delivery of this template is clean and intuitive. You can support up to four total video previews per template, with one fully-functioning main video in the middle of the page. If you want to get creative, you can create multiple pages and keep the video series going (i.e. one template contains videos 1-4, the next 2-5, etc). The opt-in button below this main video can link to anywhere, so this would be a great opportunity to link to a membership page or a comprehensive lead magnet. To give this template some social interaction, Scott included a Facebook comments section where visitors can comment on the specific course they’re watching. Those comments help from an engagement standpoint, where current viewers are interacting and future viewers can see the conversations revolving around a particular video. This is a smart template that is minimalistic in design but full of choice features that make this page one of the best for marketing your video series. VIEW TEMPLATE >>>

Which Templates Will You Use?

These five templates differ quite a bit in how they function and what they’re used for, so I’m curious to see which one you’ll be using in your own marketing efforts. Drop a comment below and tell me which templates you plan on using and what you want to use them for. Who knows, your finished template might be featured in our next roundup...

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