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5 Real Estate Templates for Building High-Converting Landing Pages

By The Leadpages Team  |  Published Apr 01, 2015  |  Updated Aug 22, 2024
By The Leadpages Team

If you’re a realtor, you know the difficulties of properly conveying the advantages of a property. Most real estate templates just haven’t kept up with the current design and conversion trends of other industries. That’s crazy, considering a property purchase is one of the most fickle and demanding consumer decisions in existence. Even if one thing looks askew or strikes someone strangely, the deal could be off before they set foot in the building. You don’t want to see the sale die because of a bad web page. And now, you don’t have to. We’ve combined the power and simplicity of the LeadPages™ builder with the imagination and conversion expertise found in the real estate templates created for the LeadPages™ Marketplace. These pages range from incredible real estate funnels all the way to full minisite solutions. Check out these excellent templates and never lose a sale to a sub-par page again.

Real Estate Templates

1) Jeff Wenberg’s Real Estate Series

Quick. What’s the most popular template in the Marketplace? ………. Give up? Well, you could go over to the Marketplace and sort by popularity, OR I could tell you that Jeff Wenberg's Real Estate Landing Page wins the Marketplace popularity contest (based on the number of sales).


There’s so much to love about this template. Overall, it achieves a clean, well-designed look and feel with balanced white space and emphasis on minimalistic colors and font. The first fold opens with a sprawling image section dedicated to the very best three images of your property. This initial focus on imagery is meant to create a positive visual association as you read through the template (as opposed to opening with a description). Beneath the images, a price, overview of the property and countdown timer. Among all these features, the countdown timer is chief because it creates a sense of urgency to see the property. The other important thing to note in this section is the use of color. Only the price and opt-in button contain color, signifying that these are the two places the template author wants you to focus on most. The rest of the template focuses on the property details. The areas are broken up into easily digestible sections with bullet point factoids and accompanying imagery. There’s a reason this is the best-selling template in the Marketplace, and it’s because everything on this page is optimized to put you in the best position to capture leads. Check out this example of Jeff's template being applied to a real property listing:

Jeff Real Estate Example

It looks exponentially better than most traditional property listings. That's exactly the polish this template can bring to your marketing efforts. But what if you have multiple listings AND you want to display them all on one page? Jeff and his team anticipated that which is why they followed up this wildly successful template with the Real Estate Home Page (Doubles As An E-Commerce Page) template. [caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="758"]


Click here to see the entire template. [/caption] This comprehensive template acts as a compilation of all the possible properties that a realtor is trying to sell. Early on, this template features a video section where you can talk about your team, the properties you’re selling, or anything else you might want to convey right away to a visitor. After that, it’s all about the property listings. There are enough content sections where you can segment out by location, features, price or anything else that could be relevant to the visitor. The way the individual properties are displayed is intuitive, too, giving enough information to entice the visitor to click through to the property details page. Finally, it ends with a call-to-action to contact the realtor directly. This is a great opportunity to build an email list with prospective buyers who want more information on prospective properties. Jeff’s template series is a powerful one-two punch for a minisite/individual listing combination. You may not find a stronger combination for showing off a property on any other marketplace. VIEW TEMPLATES >>>

2) Tyler Zey’s Easy Agent Pro Series

Where Jeff Wenberg’s template series focuses on property marketing, Tyler Zey and his Easy Agent Pro Series focuses on pure lead generation through a series of simple but effective landing pages. His first realtor template -- the Real Estate Seller Lead Generation Page -- is a clean welcome page that does one thing extremely well — generates high-value seller leads in need of your services.


The sprawling image in the background is muted enough to give priority focus to the logo, headline, and call to action in the first fold. The thick, white text stands out beautifully, and the color burst in the opt-in button captures attention. The template contains two social proof sections in the form of testimonials and “As Featured In” logos. Utilizing these two areas will help establish credibility with your audience through positive experiences and established a reputation. Overall, this is a clean, simple template that gets straight to the heart of what you’re offering to a customer. His second template -- the Real Estate Buyer and Seller Lead Welcome Page -- is the double call to action variation of the first template. This template has two different yet specific calls to action, as one is for home buyers and one is for sellers.


Realistically, you can use these two calls to action for whatever you want. But, if you’re a realtor, you can use the model they’ve set forth to varying degrees. The core offering of the site in this scenario would be viewing a listing with the intent to buy. However, the second call to action -- a free home value -- is a service that was created by this fictitious company to serve the needs of a seller. This template is an excellent starting point for creating that new idea that generates leads as a supplement to your primary lead gen efforts. Check out this example of the landing page in action:


You can see Christine taking full advantage of the double opt-in as the author intended, which helps increase the diversity of leads you receive. Tyler's third template -- the Real Estate Home Value Analysis page -- has more of a personal touch than the previous two templates.


This personalized feel stems from a design that mimics a simple letter. The content section starts with a faux letterhead, complete with the agent’s name, telephone number, and headshot (another way to build trust in a landing page). Below that, the template really starts to take the form of a letter. The text starts out, “Dear Homeowner,” and moves into a personal message from the realtor. Within the text is a dedicated callout to whatever your opt-in bribe may be. This callout is aided by a slick graphic and bright opt-in button. The “letter” ends with a signature from the realtor and includes a bold “P.S.” section -- adding to the overall personal feel of this template. All-in-all, Tyler Zey’s Easy Agent Pro Series [insert link] is a strong way to generate leads in your existing marketing efforts. His opt-in pages are clean and straight to the point, cutting through the clutter of traditional real estate pages. VIEW TEMPLATES >>>

3) Michelle Low’s Elegant Real Estate Page

Jeff Wenberg focused on property listings. Tyler Zey focused on pure lead generation. Michelle Low’s Elegant Real Estate Page focuses on you, the realtor. You need to build credibility as an agent AND a business, and this template succeeds at doing both.


This template features striking imagery to help establish realtor credibility. The first fold contains a brilliant panoramic image, perfect for showing off your city’s best cityscape image. Within this first fold, there are two content sections poised to reinforce the advantages you offer over other local realtors. If your copy is exceptionally striking in this first fold, there are two call to action buttons that take visitors to your desired endpoint. There are two areas to include images of your best properties -- immediately after the first fold, and at the end of the template. These images build further credibility, as the quality of properties implicitly reflect the quality you offer. But we want the focus to primarily be on you, which is why the last half of the template is dedicated to “About the Realtor” information. Here, you can talk about who you are, what you believe in and why you’re the best real estate agent in the area. As an added bonus, you can add your headshot here to make the template more personalized. This is a phenomenal template for building realtor and business awareness. If you want to have the edge in establishing credibility as a real estate agent, then you need to have this template. VIEW TEMPLATE >>>


These are our favorite real estate templates in the LeadPages™ Marketplace, but we have tons of other templates that span many different industries. Leave a comment below and tell us what industry we should cover next!

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