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Marketplace Roundup: “Editor’s Choice” Templates of the Week (January 19-23)

By The Leadpages Team  |  Published Jan 21, 2015  |  Updated Mar 31, 2023
By The Leadpages Team

First-fold call-to-action. It’s an important feature to have in a landing page. Not only does it give the visitor the opportunity to opt-in right away, but it conditions them to be on the lookout for similar-looking calls-to-action throughout the template. Building that expectation and upholding it with consistency increases the likelihood of conversions in your template. All five of these new “Editor’s Choice” templates have first fold calls-to-action (not to mention some really gorgeous design, too). This week, we feature the last real estate homepage you’ll ever need, a very trendy webinar template and an eCommerce page created to work with PayPal. Let’s dive right on in to this week’s “Editor’s Choice” Templates of the Week!

1) Real Estate Home Page (Doubles As An eCommerce Page) by Jeff Wenberg

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Click here to see the entire template.[/caption] At the beginning of the Marketplace, Jeff Wenberg gave us our (still) highest-selling Real Estate Landing Page -- which is perfect for individual listings. Now, he and his team have created the Real Estate Home Page (Doubles As An eCommerce Page) template. This comprehensive template acts as a compilation of all the possible properties that a realtor is trying to sell. Early on, this template features a video section where you can talk about your team, the properties you’re selling, or anything else you might want to convey right away to a visitor. After that, it’s all about the property listings. There are enough content sections where you can segment out by location, features, price or anything else that could be relevant to the visitor. The way the individual properties are displayed is intuitive, too, giving enough information to entice the visitor to click through to the property details page. Finally, it ends with a call-to-action to contact the realtor directly. This is a great opportunity to build an email list with prospective buyers that want more information on prospective properties. All-in-all, this is definitely a must-have for any realtor who wants to sell properties. VIEW TEMPLATE >>>

2) Essential Ecommerce Page (Works with PayPal) by Jerad Maplethorpe

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Click here to see the entire template.[/caption] At LeadPages, we have a lot of customers who like to use PayPal in their templates. It’s a useful feature, and Jerad Maplethorpe’s team has come up with a template that is centered around PayPal integration. The Essential Ecommerce Page (Works with PayPal) template is a beautiful solution for users that have multiple products to sell. This is one of the first templates in the Marketplace that offers the opportunity to include up to 35 items to sell. Additionally, these items can be categorized into five different content buckets for a more structured experience. The big feature in this template, though, is its ability to seamlessly work with PayPal. We’ve written about how to integrate PayPal into a LeadPages template, and this templates anticipates you making this integration by including “Add to Cart” buttons throughout the template (which would direct to PayPal). This is a great template if you’ve got a lot of product to market. It combines great design with useful features for a powerful Ecommerce page. VIEW TEMPLATE >>>

3) "Tasty Deal" Product/Service Template - Markeazy by Travis Moore


One-fold templates see a lot of success. In fact, our highest-converting template (as of this writing) is a one-fold page. Simplicity is useful if you have one concise message to convey. So leave it to Travis Moore to create yet another awesome template. This time, he’s taking another foray into the one-fold category with his "Tasty Deal" Product/Service Template. What we like about this template is its ability to convey so much in such a small space. The image takes center stage in this template, which means you need to have a high-quality photo in order to maximize this page’s potential. As you can see in the template, Travis shows you that a bright photo of the product can really pop off the page (due to the neutral background). It pulls your eye to the content, which is what you’re trying to achieve with a simple page. Your call-to-action is sectioned off in a salient pattern most people are familiar with -- the dotted line coupon layout. Additionally, there’s a section next to that call-to-action to include more pertinent information like an email, website or phone number. This template has our whole-hearted thumbs up for one-fold templates. VIEW TEMPLATE >>>

4) Mobile App Rush by Bloom Factor Inc.

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Click here to see the entire template.[/caption] One thing we’ve noticed about the most successful templates featuring apps: they’ve got out-of-the-box design. This Mobile App Rush template by Bloom Factor Inc. only reinforces that observation. You’ll find a lot of great features in this template. The first fold showcases two calls-to-action that offer the visitor a choice (though both equal a conversion for you). Then, there are a couple subsequent areas to talk about the app and show off some cool screenshots. There’s a beautiful pricing page and, for good measure, an area for testimonials to reinforce social proof. What really makes this template exceptional and unorthodox is the way certain content areas are sectioned off. In almost every template, each content area is a rectangle - sections are started and stopped by straight lines. With THIS template, the content sectioning is refreshingly interruptive. Diagonal and hexagonal lines jut into other areas, creating a cool visual experience that stands out as you scroll through. If you want a different sort of template, then definitely give this comprehensive page a try. VIEW TEMPLATE >>>

5) Trendy Webinar by 8bitstudio


8bitstudio...they’ve done it again. They’ve been creating cool templates for the Marketplace ever since we launched, and they’ve built off their successful Modern Webinar template with the new Trendy Webinar template. Bright, contrasting colors are what make this template pop. The light blue first-fold plays well off the following white content section and white lettering. Those light colors are great because A) They’re easy on the eyes and B) they make that red call-to-action button stand out...well...like a big red button. Scroll down a bit more in the template, and you’re greeted with some details about the webinar, a countdown timer (to reinforce the urgency appeal), a featured guest section (which you can easily change to a “About the Host” section) and a spot for testimonials (for social proof). 8bitstudios is phenomenal about including the right mix of appeals in a template, making this Trendy Webinar is a solid choice for your next webinar template. VIEW TEMPLATE >>>

Check Out the Marketplace

Template Authors are submitting new landing page templates like these to the Marketplace every single day, so be sure to head over and check out what's new on a regular basis. But while you're here, tell us — which of the templates featured in this post do you like the most? Leave a comment below and let us know.

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