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[Podcast] Unleash Your Deep Genius® with Nancy Marmolejo

By The Leadpages Team  |  Published Apr 23, 2019  |  Updated Nov 26, 2024
By The Leadpages Team
Nancy Marmolejo Deep Genius

The Lead Generation features conversations with today’s entrepreneurs willing to tell the truth about what it takes to be your own boss and the transformative impact you can have on your audience.

In this episode, we’re bringing you Nancy Marmolejo to discover the lessons she's learned growing her personal branding and business coaching business.

Nancy has an uncanny knack for getting her clients to discover their own Deep Genius® – a unique blend of purpose, passion, and prodigy that entrepreneurs and (and the companies they run) bring to the world. A former high school teacher, Nancy believes everyone's Deep Genius is their personal master key to making the difference you're here to make.

In this episode, Nancy shares a different perspective on what a "freedom lifestyle" really looks like, what she's reading to fuel her spiritual engine, and what she learned during challenging times that can help you persevere during your own.

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Top takeaways

If you’re short on time, here are a few golden nuggets from our conversation and the resources mentioned.

  1. Take one step at a time, just because someone says you need to do something doesn’t mean it’s always right for your business or it might be better done at another time.
  2. There is honor in working. Do what you love and don’t be fooled by others touting a 3-hour lazy lifestyle.
  3. Find people who can hold you accountable. This might be accountability circles for small business owners. Take time to check in with each other, ask each other questions.
  4. Don’t be afraid to ask for help during challenging times. Life is unpredictable. Asking for help can give you time and space to heal, and give you the ability to do your best work when you’re back in action.
  5. Think of LinkedIn like a search engine. Consider the type of people you want to connect with and create your profile with the right keywords to make it easy for them to find you.

Resources mentioned

Continue the conversation

After enjoying this episode, what are your top takeaways from Nancy?

And what's one lesson you learned in this episode that you'll take action on over the next week?

Get to know Nancy

Bob: Nancy, thank you so much for joining me in this week's episode.

Nancy: Thank you, Bob, for inviting me. You know I adore you. And I love Leadpages. So how could I say no?

Bob: Excellent. So before we get into some of the fun conversations, I would love to give people a little better sense of what it is that you do. How are the lives of your customers transformed by what you and your company do?

Nancy: Well, at the heart of it all, I'm really helping people understand the value, they bring to the table their contribution on multiple levels, whether it's a skill level, a life experience level, an innate strength level. For some people, it's even a spiritual level. And understanding that, recognizing it, naming it, I call it Deep Genius. Then we plug it in. Okay, now that you know this about you plug it into how you lead. Plug it into how you market. Plug it into your message and your brand and your mission. It creates a more honest and truthful reflection of who you are, what you do, who you serve and why that's important.

Bob: That's amazing. I know that you have a significant impact on the clients that you've had. Do you have any particular examples of people you've worked within the recent past that really stand out for what they've been able to do once they understand their deep genius?

Nancy: I've worked with a number of people who've been, let's say in the coaching world for quite some time. Some of them are new coaches, but most of the people they're very established. They've been doing this since before Internet Marketing and coaching became the thing. And so they're like, "Hey, you know what? I've been doing this for 20 years and there's this person over here has been doing it for two seconds and they've got this big presence and I don't. So how do I show the world who I am, how awesome I am, and really flex my credibility muscles a little more strongly and my visibility and recognition."

So we help to reposition people so that their authority shows through in a really truthful way. Kind of that drop the mic moment like, "This is who I am people." I'd worked with a number of people who are in that space, and maybe they've taken their body of work and launched books and are now on speaking tours. So the work that we're doing is able to differentiate them and their message in their talking points, their keynotes, the content they create, the general flow of their message, who it's for. Everything around communication.

A lot of times people will in with this very global idea, "I help everybody," and even though they've been doing that for 20 years, "I help everybody," it's really helping them get specific and sing the song that their ideal client is wanting to hear. Kind of in a nutshell. That's what's happening over here.

Bob: Excellent. And I know that you have a teaching background, like myself. How did you transition from your previous life into your own business?

"I grew up in a family business so I could create a marketing plan before I could do long division."

Nancy: Well, I let the California Public School system burn me out for close to 15 years and I think that it was a big push and then I had my daughter and I said, "Okay, this is when I'm jumping ship." I love teaching, I love kids. I love watching anybody of any age light up with new information and new learning. The grind of being a public school teacher and constantly getting my budget cut and test scores and all that stuff made it a really good transition for me.

I grew up in a family business so I could create a marketing plan before I could do long division. I knew what time it was as far as marketing and branding and PR. I didn't know the words for it back then, but I was my dad's little sidekick working in the family business. I saw all aspects of operations, sales, manufacturing, customer service, retail. I was all over the board with that and it definitely made me enter the business world very confident about being my own CEO and entrepreneur.

Bob: Excellent. And when you think back to the last, I guess it's more than a decade now since you started your business. Right? How long ago did you start?

Nancy: In 1891, I think back to when we were riding covered wagons to the Internet. Yeah, It's been a bit. It's been a few minutes. I started my business since 2003, so I guess I'm an elder stateswoman of the Internet marketing world and social media.

Bob: I think we called that an OG.

Nancy: I'm an OG.

Your company size shouldn’t outnumber your client roster

Bob: And I'm sure you've made mistakes along the way. You've had evolutions as every small business owner does.

Has there been any particular roadblocks that you look back to now and say, "Man that sucked when I was going through it but man, am I glad that it happened because it made me stronger?"

Nancy: Well, I mean pick a category because I can deal you a hand on any category on the mistakes I've made and I didn't want to do again. So you give me a category and I'll give you an anecdote.

Bob: Let's pick the category of hiring a team. Did you try to grow a team and it didn't work out and then you learn lessons that helped you grow a team better or decide that you didn't need as big of a squad?

"The biggest mistake I made around it was bringing a team in before I even knew clients. I just did it because somebody said I needed to do it."

Nancy: I was listening to people who kept saying, "You need a team. You need a team. You need a team." And I hired a team before I had the sales. I had more teams that I had clients. I mean it was this thing about a team and they're like, "Well, let's make an organizational chart." What was the organizational chart? It was me on the phone with a client coaching them and then making another appointment. What did I need a team for at that time? I was a solopreneur. I didn't need this big heavy stuff. And I signed up for all these classes and courses and they're telling me, "Get on Basecamp and do all this stuff." No, no, no. No foul on Basecamp. I love them. But I'm saying it's all this project management work when really what it was, it was me and you trying to set up a phone call to talk. I don't need a team to do that.

Ultimately, the business grew and I needed somebody who could cover the web stuff. I needed a customer-care person because I ended up growing big mastermind programs and doing events and having an event planner and a bookkeeper and blah blah blah. There was a certain point where I knew I was going to go crazy if I didn't have some help. But the biggest mistake I made around it was bringing the team in before I even knew clients. I did it because somebody said I needed to do it. I'm like, "Oh, my God, how much money would I have today if I didn't do that?" We could have gone to London for spring break. I'm telling you, we could have spent that money somewhere.

Feed your strengths, supplement your weaknesses

Bob: So I know there's probably some other things that you learned along the way. And if you had that time machine, where you could go back to your earlier self and give young Nancy a bit of advice for entrepreneurs, what would you tell her?

Nancy: I think I gave my power away to mentors too easily. Here I come from growing up in a family that does this. I know what sales marketing, I know about operations. I knew about all this stuff that I know. I'm a great communicator, I'm a great writer. I was a teacher for all these years, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And then I go to a mentor acting like I'm this little lost lamb. "I don't know what the hell I'm doing here. Why don't you tell me how I need to run my business?" And acted like I didn't know because that seemed to be the invitation. It was, "There are so many things you don't know what you're doing wrong. Get with me and I'll show you what to do right." And that hooked me, that fear-based marketing and sales approach hooked me.

And then I went in and it was like, "I knew that. Tell me something I don't already know." That really taught me a big lesson and also being around a lot of people who were in that same place of doubting their natural strengths. So I made a decision a couple of years ago to not surround myself with people who were doubting the same things I was doubting. I needed to surround myself with people who were around our strengths and not coming in like, "We're helpless and we don't know," but to come in as, "These are our assets. How do we help make them better?" While holding the honesty that there are some things we might not be doing correctly but we're not going to make that the primary focus of our growth together.

The primary focus is to get our strengths stronger and observe our weaknesses and work on those, but I felt like some of the mentoring that I sought out early on was so focused on all my weaknesses. I couldn't see myself as a strong leader. In retrospect, I would like to tell young Nancy that she, younger Nancy, that she could have done it differently.

Bob: Yeah, I really loved that because I think you're right. People tend to seek out wisdom from mentors and mastermind groups and it's pretty easy to spot the flaw from their perspective, but having that strength to optimize as opposed to fix seems to be a really good approach that I'm glad to have been in a mastermind with you back in the day where that seemed to be a really good fit. I love that advice.

I think that's really good for those in our Lead Generation audience who are starting out and they're hearing about mentoring and coaching. I think those are important things to have obviously, but you have to make sure that the advice you're given and the peer-group you have is there to lift you up and optimize what your strengths are. And I love that that's what you do with your Deep Genius program because you're not trying to bring people's hidden flaws, that could be something good. You're taking something that's really good now and making it awesome, just more prevalent and more obvious to the rest of the world.

Nancy: Yeah, and we all have our weaknesses and our vulnerabilities. There might be areas where you need to meet with somebody and work on that. But for me, as that being the focus of my business, it was surrounding myself with broken birds. I was attracting in clients that were broken birds and that wasn't necessarily the greatest use of my genius. There are other people who that's their calling, and I'm, like you, a teacher. It's what do we want to learn and let's move forward to it and move on our strengths, as opposed to focusing on the part that's holding us back so much that that becomes everything that we're looking at?

I don't want to sound insensitive. I think this work is really important. As far as looking at what's holding you back, I'm saying for me to move my business forward, it seemed I was in the surroundings where there's a lot of emphasis on that, and I needed to break out of that energy.

Bob: Yeah, and I think it's definitely paid dividends for you along the way, so it's really good.

Embracing the honor of work

Bob: Now, as people are looking at themselves as a solopreneur, they probably get to be fielded with both advice and encouragement and maybe some discouragement from their family or their peers and I think that's because there're a lot of misconceptions around entrepreneurship. When you think about our current economy and our current state of being, what would you say is one of the biggest misconceptions about entrepreneurship that people should no longer hold as true?

Nancy: Well, specifically around Internet marketing. Doing your business in your jammies and you never have to work and it's just ka-ching, ka-ching and all that get rich quick stuff. I'm going to break it to y’all. It just doesn't work that way.

I remember there was this one person I followed, who used to say things like, "I just work two or three hours a day and then I go to the beach and I look great in a bikini. And here I am on vacation." And it turned out that was a lie. Maybe when they considered work, what they were on the phone with a client or something? But from sunrise to sundown, they were fixing their website, writing their sales copy, seeking out joint venture partners.

Any time you become an entrepreneur you'll have time-freedom and you can pick whatever 18 hours a day you want to work and there's no shame to that game.

There's nothing wrong with work. Everybody wants to put this, "Oh, that's work. I'm freedom-lifestyle." It's like, "Great, but you know what? I love my work. My work is my art. If I was a musician if I was an artist. I would not put that saxophone down. I would not put that paintbrush down. I wouldn't have somebody coming in the door going, "Oh, are you still working?" They'd be like, "No, look at you’re creating. You're jamming." Your business is your jam, so it shouldn't feel like work. So there's no problem if you're spending a lot of time doing your stuff. This whole thing like, "You should be snorkeling and instead of working," it's like, "Well, what if I'm loving this? I'm creating. It's feeding me."

So I have an old school work ethic. I'm like, just do it. Do it. It's good stuff. There's honor in working. There is honor in it.

Bob: There absolutely is, and I think in this Internet marketing world I remember hearing someone say, unfortunately, I can't remember who said it to me, "but Internet marketing is the only place where you work 24 hours a day to make money while you sleep."

Nancy: I Know. It's like if you believe that stuff. I watch people, it's like, "Oh, I'm going to be an Instagram influencer." In what? What's going to come of that? What do you want to do that you're passionate about that people pay you for and you'll find yourself doing it whether you're on the clock or not? I don't know, it's just, I think there's something about joy, a passion that that's the part about Deep Genius is you're working from your strengths, you're working from your passion. It doesn't feel like work and you're doing good in the world. You're helping somebody solve a problem and that's good.

Brain (and soul) food

Bob: Yeah, absolutely true. So you mentioned it a little bit ago about mentors. I'd love to know about your remote mentors. Something that you might be reading or podcasts you listened to. What kind of things are you feeding your brain with in order to get yourself leveled up to the next stage of what you want to do?

Nancy: Well, I'll tell you a little bit about my reading because I'm always reading. There's always a stack of books next to me. I divide it into a couple of different categories. I always read something that's spiritual that gets my head in a good place. So I don't freak out when something crazy happens as can happen.

A week ago, I got a note from a friend of mine and she says, "Do you know that your website's down? It looks like your domain expired. I think you should go and check on that." I had no idea. I had no idea for four days, my website was down, my domain was down. I got no email. I was like, "Boy, it's sure a quiet week." I didn't even think to check. So my spiritual practice, every single day as I read something inspirational and I meditate and I'm grounded and that happened, I was like, "All right, well let's get it fixed."

It was chill. Chill. There was no freakout. There was no like, "Oh, my hair's on fire.” That kind of something that keeps your head in place is essential because stuff's always going to happen. Cool heads prevail. That's my rule. And if you can't keep a cool head, you're going to lose it.

“I have people in my life who I have some informal accountability circles and little business owners. We check in with each other, ask each other questions, really informal masterminding that I find invaluable.”

Right now, I'm reading Acts of Faith by Iyanla Vanzant. I read it every day. Then this is a book that I love, I don't know if we're going to show it, but it's called Leapfrog. It's The New Revolution for Women Entrepreneurs. Outsmart, the status quo, launch fund and grow your business. It's by Nathalie Molina Niño, she's the CEO and founder of Brava Investments. And what I love about her and her message is that she is an investor who's focused on high-growth businesses that economically benefit women and particularly women of color.

She's doing amazing things like breaking down the barriers that keep a lot of people out of the entrepreneurial field who really have the right to be there and the right stuff. So I'm always reading a little business thing.

I just found another book, by Beatrice Chestnut and it's called The Nine Types of Leaders and it's got the Enneagram. And it's the most non-woo-woo sounding Enneagram book I've ever read. Oh, sounds like we're okay. It was almost like a DiSC assessment, "Here's how to work with a seven and here are what to look out for and tips." It was a really good guidebook for working with people. Fantastic.

That's the kind of stuff that gets me. Then I have people in my life who I ...I have some informal accountability circles and little business owners. We check in with each other, ask each other questions, really informal masterminding that I find invaluable.

Bob: Yeah, I think that's kind of thing goes a long way for sure.

Tools for success

Bob: I know that you are a big user of Leadpages and I'm sure this you're using some other tools in your marketing these days. Tell us a little about how Leadpages has helped you out and any other tools that you think that more people should know about.

Nancy: Oh, my God, I love Leadpages, since even before you were on board with Leadpages, I love Leadpages. So I remember back in 2003, 2004 if I was having any kind of a, let's say I was having a teleseminar, do they still call them that? They called him teleseminars back in my day, and if somebody needed to sign up for one of those and you didn't know how do all the steps, that's a couple of hundred dollars just to have a web page, the opt-in, the this and the that. And there weren't all these little integrations like there are now. It was as close to analog as you can get on an internet platform.

Leadpages is what changed everything for me.

Maybe I put a VA out of a job, but I was able to take that person and focus them on more important things." It's like, "All we need to do this with this Lead Page up. It takes a fraction of the time." I can do it and I don't go in and break anything and don't screw anything up. It's like Nancy-proof. It has helped me quickly and easily create a Lead page and you just reminded me before we even got on here that I need to create one for a book that I wrote. I realized, "My God, I don't even have a page for that." I'm going to do that. That's my next Leadpage project. I'm doing it. Just me. I got it.

Bob: Are you using anything to manage your calendar, to manage projects, to communicate with booking clients?

Nancy: Yes. Oh, my gosh. I use everything. What I like to do is I like to have a home-base. Now, every one of my clients has their own little home base. Some people use Teamwork, some people use Basecamp, some people use Asana, some people use Trello and as long as I know where there's one place where everything's stored, that we can link to Dropbox, we can link to Google Docs. I need a container where everybody is, otherwise, it's like, "I don't want anybody to send me anything in my Gmail because it's a mess. Oh, my God, there's so much in there. Put it in this one place." So I use that.

One thing I really love is Canva. I absolutely adore Canva. I pay for Canva for work and that's all the graphics that are created for my business, for clients that I do social media consulting for.

I have a person who creates everything in Canva. We create templates, we create all. Just be quick and easy. I even have my 16-year-old daughter in Canva creating social media memes for some of my clients. So I just love it. I love these things that are quick and easy.

Adobe has a really wonderful suite of phone apps where you can do free stuff, like Adobe Spark and Spark Video where you can create these cool little 15-second videos that you can put on a Facebook Ad or you can put them on Instagram stories or put stuff on Instagram and Facebook. So I'm really into the creative tools right now and then the project management tools. I have an online scheduler and all that other stuff, but the ones that I get excited about that I'm like, "Ooh, Hey, today's the day I get to go into Canva and have some fun," that I just adore.

Dealing with loss in your life (and others’ lives)

Bob: That's awesome. Now, a moment ago, you mentioned a book that you're going to be making a new Lead Page for (here it is). I thought that it would be really cool for people to hear a little bit about your story over the last year and a half, two years because I think a lot of times we don't talk about the stuff when life really hits the fan. And I'd love for you to share a little bit about that.

You had a couple of people that passed away, you had some situations that came up that were unpredicted and you still had a business to run. Talk to us a little bit about how that was and what helped you to get to 2019 still with a very successful business and have some bumps along the way.

Nancy: And unscathed, somewhat. In the course of four years, I had three significant people in my life die: My mother, my former husband (who's my daughter's father), and my sister, which all of them were just ... My mother, maybe it wasn't unexpected because she had been diagnosed with cancer a number of years prior. But all of them hit me really hard.

What I realize now, is that when we have significant life events, we announce them on social media. There are the selfies from the delivery room, "High, I just had a baby!" There's the announcement, "Hi, I just got a divorce," or, "Hey, my mother just died."

So this is the village square. This is where we go, and we share the news of what's happening so that everybody in our lives can know. And it's really nice if you see the delivery room selfie and you're like, "Oh, what a cute baby," and all these other great things that are happening.

But what do you do when somebody has passed away?

We're so uncomfortable with death, dying, and grief. There are all these responses or not lack of responses. It's really easy to put something like, "Sorry for your loss."

I noticed, when I announced my mother passed, it was 300 comments, and I'd say three-fourths of them just said, "So sorry for your loss." I had met this woman who was talking about that whole concept. It's so shallow to just say, "So sorry for your loss." What else can we do? So I decided, you know what? I'm going to write a little primer for people, like templates, "Instead of saying that why don't you say this instead?" Kind of a build-a-message. And I wrote a book, it's like a Kindle book. It's .99 cents. It's easy-breezy. It's a quick read, we like to call it.

It's basically, introducing you to the concept of when you see somebody announce something that's sad via social media, rather than jump into either a pat response like, "Sorry for your loss," or your discomfort making them want to change. Like, "Oh, well cheer up. At least you had some good memories." It's like, "Why don't we sit for a second and understand that somebody else's feeling some feelings and get some empathy towards that and just take a breath?" Okay. So what would you say from that point of view? Maybe you say something like, "Wow, that sounds really hard," or, "I wish I was there to give you a hug," or something else that really acknowledges that somebody's feeling some strong feelings right now.

So the book is about that. It's about tuning into those feelings and giving you some templates of ways that you can craft a message, whether it's on social media or you write it on a card and mail it. People still do that. But I felt that that was a need.

What's interesting is that a lot of people are downloading this book. It's being used in a couple of colleges now for classes that talk about the different stages of life and this is been featured as the end-of-life phase. There are people who do financial planning and legacy planning, who are recommending it to their clients. All sorts of people. I keep getting messages from people saying, "Oh, my God, I had somebody just passed away and I'm so glad I bought that book." So I think it's the best .99 cents you could spend today.

Bob: And I imagine for you it was a little bit therapeutic to be able to handle and embrace the passing of loved ones as well as what's next for you. You have it as a little bit of an opportunity I guess in the business world, but from a personal standpoint, you were trying to run a business. I imagine that it was helpful for you to have that kind of outlet.

Nancy: Yeah, it was very therapeutic for me because I was foggy-headed and I couldn't really focus on anything else. I told my clients, "I need to talk to you guys in a few weeks, give me some time." And that was cool. I needed that time and I didn't really know. It wasn't part of some strategic plan like, "Oh, I'm going to build a funnel around this book and then it's going to lead to a big offer." I needed to put this out there, and it taught me a couple of things.

Number one, it's really easy to write a short little guide book and publish it on Kindle and doesn't have to be 500 pages long. This is, I think 42 pages long. It's really not that long, but it's called a quick read, which is its own little category in Kindle and it's ideal. It's ideal for quick information.

It's making me realize I could do a few more of those and people are looking for that information and buying it.

It connected me to some people who were actually kind of high up there in the world who privately reached out to me and said, "What you created there has helped me so much." It opened the door to some relationships that I probably really would've not been able to get to any other way. So I was like, "Ooh, look at that." It had some benefits there as well. When you're following what's true for you, the door's just magically opened up for you.

Bob: Indeed. It seems to me you were able to get through and still manage your business by communicating to your clients, "Hey, I need some space." You just mentioned that.

If anybody else who's listening right now that something is going on where the business has to be put on hold or has to be adjusted, do you have any advice for them of how they can help their clients understand that? How can they make sure that things are being taken care of so that there's something to come back to when the grief period hits a different stage where they can get back into the swing of things?

Nancy: Yeah, it depends on what kind of business you have. For example, let's say you have a business where you're serving your client directly, you and only you and you're the one-stop-shop. If your thinking is not clear, but you're feeling kind of foggy and you have a good relationship with your clients. I mean, there's nothing wrong with saying, "Look, as you know, I just suffered a loss in my life and I want to serve you to the utmost of my ability and right now I'm not working on all cylinders. I'm going to take the next X amount of time. I'm going to take the next week and then take the next two weeks. I'm going to take the next ten days to recharge. I thank you for understanding and knowing that we will move forward." So that's one thing you can do and that is thanking people for understanding is like tapping into their humanity.

Now, if it's something that's deadline-driven and your back is up against the wall, I do know people who feel that diving into their work is the best thing for them. It gives them an outlet to plow through, so you have to understand if that's your case. Or, what I've also done in other situations when there's been a crisis, I've reached out to some colleagues. I'm like, "Hey, I need a pinch hitter here. Can you help me out?"

I remember a few years back I had a mastermind group and when my husband was still alive, he was hospitalized a number of times and it was serious. I was at the hospital when I was supposed to be facilitating some group and I called one of my colleagues, who's a close friend of mine, and I said, "Would you do me a favor and facilitate this call and here's the format and here's how I want you to do it. I know you're a masterful business coach and can take people where they need to go." And she said, "I'd be honored." So it's going to be a little bit different for everybody. It might be tapping into your network, it might be powering through something or it might be saying, "Hey, I need some space." You got to know what's the right response for you.

Bob: I think in all those cases, from what I'm hearing from you is you don't handle it yourself. You raise your hand and you tap into your village and you say, "Hey, I'd love some help." In one way or the other and that really helps out quite a bit.

Nancy: Very good. Yes, exactly.

Bob: I love being able to use all this great wisdom that you're sharing so that I can understand it because I selfishly do these podcasts recordings to learn myself, not just to share it with our listeners. So I really appreciate what you're sharing.

LinkedIn lightning tip

Bob: Before I let you go, I just remembered that I wanted to ask you about you being a bit of a born again re-believer in LinkedIn as a social media platform. Any quick tips you have? Because I know that from following you, of course, and knowing you well that LinkedIn was something you were a little late to the game on, but once you got hooked up to it there was something magical for you.

So any quick tips you have for people that are maybe not so keen on LinkedIn but can quickly read through the adjustments?

“Season your profile with lots of good keywords and good things will happen to you.”

Nancy: I Know. LinkedIn, it was the gated community that wouldn't let us in. LinkedIn is a big search engine. I use LinkedIn to position myself as a speaker, and a content matter expert or content area expert. Just know why you're there. I have some colleagues and friends who hire me and they're trying to get their next big corporate gig. But a lot of people it's, we're just positioning them. I use it more like a speaker sheet. So I specifically want to get speaking gigs from LinkedIn. I'm not there to prospect. I'm not going to promise you to like, "Oh, whatever." I mean I'm there. I'm a speaker. This is what I speak about. Personal branding's topic. Have me speak to your organization. Hire me to do your personal branding.

I mean, I'm really clear and I use lots of keywords like personal branding. Put it all over the place. It's like a search engine. Season your profile with lots of good keywords and good things will happen to you. And so LinkedIn has become more keyword-friendly. So as they got a little more sophisticated, I let them into the cool kid's club. But I definitely did not see LinkedIn as the cool kids club for quite a while

Bob: Yeah, I'm glad it's working out for you, nowadays, because it does make a big difference. Whatever social media platform that you're using, I think the biggest clue here that you're saying is keeping focused on what you really looking to contribute as well as what you're looking to get out of it and stick to that lane. Don't get distracted by all the other things that can come along with those platforms.

Nancy: Yes, what he said.

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Bob: I think we're about out of time. I would love for people to be able to connect with you because having known you personally for such a long time and knowing what you had as an impact for people that I know myself, including other people, I know that if they connect with you, with your Talent and Genius and with your Deep Genius program that they can really have a huge difference. So where can people best connect with you to learn more about Deep Genius and about the social media work that you do so that their businesses can grow and they can be pursuing their passions more fervently and profitably?

Nancy: Well, home base is talentandgenius.com. Go there. I'd say go to the contact form and send me a message. I have some free resources on my site. All my social media links are there. I work with people around optimizing their social media presence. Everything is from this place of Deep Genius of creating a message. I also do leadership development where people in the corporate space and the CEO-space. There's a lot that I pack into this package called Nancy.

Bob: And you do a great job of it. Well, Nancy, it's always a treat to talk to you. I'm glad that I've gotten to share you with the Lead Generation audience for the last bit of time and I really appreciate you being here on today's episode.

Nancy: Thank you, Bob, and thank you, Lead Generation audience. It's been fun.

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