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[Feature Update] One-Click Facebook Registration = Getting Your Users' Best Email Addresses

By The Leadpages Team  |  Published Jan 23, 2014  |  Updated Oct 06, 2023
By The Leadpages Team
one click facebook registration

When we released LeadLinks last week, we asked people to guess what they thought the release would be. A lot of people guessed some sort of Facebook registration is what we’d be releasing when we announced our huge release of LeadLinks. Now we can see why. Facebook has over 1.3 billion active monthly users making it the biggest social network out there. On average, about 48% of those users log into Facebook every day and this number is huge. We actually wanted to give you that 1-2 punch. Last week, we released LeadLinks and there’s a link below this video to the post where we announced LeadLinks and what it is and this week we’re releasing a feature that allows Facebook registration with your LeadPages and LeadBoxes. So this means with Facebook registration is enabled on a LeadPage like this and someone comes it, if they’re logged into Facebook already, they’ll be able to opt-in just by clicking register. Or if they come to a LeadBox like this, again they’ll be able to opt-in just by clicking register if they’re already logged into Facebook. This also works with multiple form feeds so if you wanted to collect, name, address, phone number or a whole bunch of other fields, you can do that. What’s great about this is number one you’re getting the user’s best email address because usually people log into Facebook with an email account they use daily. Number two, it can also increase your conversion rates because the field is pretty populated. We’ve seen split tests where use of this increase conversion rates and we’ve instances where it decreases. It all depends on the market you’re in, the traffic source and so on. We encourage you to split the result and find out what works best for your audience. Now if you do get a statistically significant split test, do let us know so we can feature you on the blog. Facebook registration can be enabled on all templates that support multiple form fields and it works with LeadBoxes. Now you might be wondering what happens if someone comes here and they’re not logged into Facebook, well let me show you. I’m going to log out of Facebook here real quick and now when I’m logged out, when I come to the same opt-in page and click on the opt in, a standard opt-in appears. This allows you to make sure you don’t miss any opt-ins because people aren’t logged into their Facebook accounts. Now let’s look at how to set this up inside of LeadPages. Whether you’re enabling this on a LeadPage or a LeadBox, once you’re done customizing your page, go to opt-in form integration settings, select which integration you’d like to use as well as what list you want to add people to and then turn on use Facebook registration. When you turn this on, you won’t immediately see the Facebook registration box and the editor. You’ll need to go into preview mode in order to view the registration box. Once everything is set up and done, click on save page. Now people can opt in to your list, register for your webinars, get your training and so on when you use the register with Facebook option. This option is now available inside of LeadPages and you can use it with both LeadPages and LeadBoxes. If you’re a LeadPages customer, this is immediately available to you. If you’ll be using this new feature in your business, please take a second and type yes into the comments section below this video and if you’re feeling industrious, tell us how you plan on using it. If you’re not a LeadPages customer, please join us by going to LeadPages.net to get LeadPages. I’m Jeff Wenberg. Have a spectacular day.

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By The Leadpages Team
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