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Product Update: Here’s What’s New in Leadpages for January 2017

By The Leadpages Team  |  Published Jan 10, 2017  |  Updated Mar 31, 2023
By The Leadpages Team

Transcript: New Year - New Features! We’re back again with the latest and greatest Leadpages product updates. Have you ever wanted to add more images or tweak the design of your Leadboxes? Well, we’re happy to introduce the brand new Leadboxes builder! This builder offers even more customization to your two-step opt in forms. Customize your Leadbox by dragging and dropping images, text, HTML, countdown timers, and more. With just a few clicks, you can take your existing website or blog and transform it into another lead generation machine for your business! We’ve also enhanced your user experience within the Drag and Drop Builders. Section titles allow you to see what content is located in a specific section making it easier than ever to organize your page. With our Drop Zone enhancement, you’ll know exactly where on the page you’ll be dropping your widgets now. Have a long page? Don’t worry - your widgets will now scroll along the page with you - no matter how far down you go... Lastly, archive any integrations you aren’t actively using. This allows you to quickly connect the primary integrations you need. And that my friends, is what's new this month! Let us know what you’d like to see this year by heading over to Ideas Portal today.

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By The Leadpages Team
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