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[Download] Use This Resources Page to Generate Passive Income

By The Leadpages Team  |  Published Jun 16, 2015  |  Updated Oct 06, 2023
By The Leadpages Team
[Download] Use This Resources Page To Generate Passive Income.

[cta-box] Today we're excited to reveal our newest template, the Blog Resources page. If you're blogging for your business and you don't use a resources page similar to this, you're missing a huge opportunity. If you look at blogs with large audiences, you'll see a resources page on almost every one of them. What do these pages do? The resources page is a page to list all of the tools you use. Not only is the list valuable to your visits but it also provides an opportunity for you to generate passive income by referring interested buyers to your favorite affiliate partners. Speaking of passive income, this is Smart Passive Income's resources page. Pat says: "This is one of the most visited pages on my site. If you're not utilizing a resources page for your niche on your site, you're crazy. It's the ultimate non-aggressive way to earn money, leaving all parties happy in the end." The reason? People want to know how successful professionals are achieving their results. We found that people prefer to acquire tools over training because it's a more direct and predictable path to improving performance. This page allows you to tell your audience which tools you use and recommend while also generating an affiliate commission by linking each of these buttons to your affiliate account for each product. Now let's look at how easy this template is to customize and use for any type of business. Here we've customized it for a couple different types of blogs. Here's an example of a resources page for a video production blog. This one is for a graphic design blog, and finally, here's another one for a cooking blog. Each of these is telling their audience about the tools they use and using this page as an income generator. The best part is we created all of these pages in under 10 minutes. It's that easy. To change the text, just click and type. To change any images, just select a new one. To use this as an income generating page, just paste your affiliate link here. Now, when you use this page on your blog, you can capitalize on the fact that your visitors are interested to know which tools you use and recommend. There are two ways you can get this template. You could download the HTML, CSS, Javascript, and image files by clicking on the button below. It's free and there's no strings attached but you'll need to be a coder or hire a coder to customize this template to use for your site. The second way is to sign up for a Leadpages account. Then you'll have immediate access to this template and over 100 more inside of Leadpages. You'll be able to customize and publish any template without ever having to touch a line of code so you'll save a ton of time and money. We recommend the Pro edition with an annual plan as it comes with the majority of the features our customers need and it's 40% less than paying monthly. Join us at the Pro Level today.

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By The Leadpages Team
[Download] Use This Resources Page To Generate Passive Income.
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