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LeadBoxes® Roundup: Our Top 10 Favorite LeadBoxes® from July 2015

By The Leadpages Team  |  Published Jul 31, 2015  |  Updated Mar 31, 2023
By The Leadpages Team

They’re everywhere! They’re everywhere! It might be my imagination. But it really does seem like LeadBoxes® are popping up in more and more places lately. There’s no rule that says a LeadBox™ has to be on a landing page, after all. Although not everyone realizes this, LeadBoxes® can actually capture leads anywhere you can place a string of code. And the marketers spotlighted in the coolest LeadBoxes® we saw this month have taken full advantage of that fact, spreading their lead-generation efforts far and wide across the web. To help you do the same thing and make sure your LeadBoxes® get attention no matter where they land, we’re giving you a special bonus: a pack of more than 100 eye-catching call-to-action buttons. Here's how they look:


Place these on your LeadPages®, your blog, or any other website you like, and watch the leads roll in: [cta-box] Now, let’s check out some great LeadBoxes®.

1. Megan Minns: Video Tutorial LeadBox™


What Stands Out: To offer a video tutorial on adding LeadBoxes® to Squarespace sites (yep, they can go there, too!), small-business strategist Megan Minns has naturally set up a LeadBox™. The design is entirely in keeping with the soft, elegant design of Megan’s site for a cohesive user experience. Megan’s copy is similarly elegant and accessible. Her call to action is clear, reassuring, and engaging: "Click here to watch me integrate LeadBoxes and SquareSpace on my own website!" And she does a nice job calling out exactly what she’ll be sending people who opt in: "By saying yes, you'll also receive all other freebies I've created so far and automatically get future freebies straight to your inbox!" It’s both transparent and enticing. Finally, Megan’s giveaway itself is an excellent example of an easy-to-create content upgrade. Without any additional research or much extra work, she’s able to reach people who prefer to learn visually—truly adding value to the post.

2. Introvert Whisperer: Timed Assessment LeadBox™


What Stands Out: As the "Introvert Whisperer," Dorothy Tannahill-Moran provides personal coaching as well as writing a blog. Casual readers might not initially realize that, so with this timed LeadBox™, she offers prospective clients a sample of the insights she might offer as a coach. As any Facebook user or magazine reader probably knows, quizzes are an especially addictive form of content, and a brilliant lead magnet for that reason. Dorothy offers the promise of an assessment complete with guidance for the future, at the cost of just four minutes of your time and your email address. The custom photo is an especially nice bit of extra effort.

3. Boom! by Cindy Joseph: Webinar LeadBox™


What Stands Out: We’ve covered this makeup brand’s smart marketing before, and this LeadBox™ is just as well-designed as we’d expect. Visitors can register for this beauty webinar via call-to-action buttons throughout the page, but I’m especially charmed by the "Claim My Spot Now!" button placed between two comfy chairs. Inside the LeadBox™, cheerful colors frame a photo of Cindy herself looking radiantly happy. It suggests that this webinar is going to be a great time.

4. John Haydon: Free Workbook LeadBox™


What Stands Out: Nonprofit-marketing expert John Haydon starts strong with a big, clickable button and accessible-looking picture of his lead magnet in his blog’s sidebar. The title of that lead magnet sounds both intriguing and incredibly useful: The One-Page Social Media Marketing Plan. Once you click, you see a truly beautiful LeadBox®. It’s rare to see so many bold colors, animation, and multiple bullets all working together so well in such a small space, but John pulls it off. The copy spells out exactly what those who opt in will get, and the tone throughout is both friendly and impeccably trustworthy.

5. Fresh Perspective: Content Upgrade LeadBox™


What Stands Out: Copywriter Rachel Foster positions herself as an expert blogger, and she practices what she preaches with this thorough blog post capped with a clever content upgrade. The B2B Blog Post Pre-Flight Checklist has a terrific title, and it’s worked into the end of the post in two ways: as a plain text link under the heading "3 Ways to Apply This Information Now" and in an attractive button. Reinforcing the title metaphor, the delightful airplane graphics of the button pop up again in the LeadBox™ itself. They suggest that with the help of this checklist, you’ll soar to success.

6. A3ali Real Estate Company (Egypt): Apartment-Buying Guide LeadBox™


What Stands Out: I’ll admit: I don’t read Arabic, so I can’t speak to the copy on this fun page (check out that animation). But I couldn’t pass this one up for several reasons. The graphics are spectacular, from the subtle blueprint-style illustration in the background to the illustration of the lead magnet itself, featuring a new apartment-owner being handed the keys. Inside the LeadBox™, the company’s excellent logo looks over neat, crisp design.

7. Blogger Sidekick: Sidebar LeadBox™


What Stands Out: Content marketer Will Blunt’s site is a pleasant mix of business and fun: the business-blue logo that happens to feature a bowtie-wearing French bulldog, the conversational tone mixed with very professional graphics. Among those graphics is the simple but effective clipboard image that triggers the LeadBox™ in the sidebar. And with just enough detail to feel valuable without giving away all its secrets, the image inside the LeadBox™ is totally optimized for conversion. Calling the lead magnet a “canvas” rather than the more common “guide” or “template” adds uniqueness to the offer.

8. Your First 10k Downloads: Podcast Subscription LeadBox™


What Stands Out: A podcast about podcasting, Your First 10k Downloads comes on strong with a gorgeous, sketchbook-style single-screen landing page. A headline and brief description get straight to the point before visitors are invited to subscribe via email. Inside, the LeadBox™ promises not just a podcast but “tips & tricks, videos, and VIP access.” And the button copy is pure fun, evoking the same freewheeling spirit as the graphic design: “Let’s rock and roll.”

9. Small Biz Lady Melinda Emerson: Homepage LeadBox™


What Stands Out: If your brand is strong enough and your lead magnet is appealing enough, you might not need a lot of introduction. You might be able to put your LeadBox™ trigger right in your homepage header. That’s just the strategy prominent small-business expert and columnist Melinda Emerson uses here to offer her free e-book, 10 Reasons Why Social Media Campaigns Fail. Saturated in the blues and yellows of the rest of the site, the LeadBox™ stays perfectly on message and gets right to the point with an unfussy, time-tested headline: “Enter your email address to download your FREE e-book.”

10. BikeRoar: Twitter Post LeadBox™


What Stands Out: Online bike-shopping hub BikeRoar fills its Twitter feed with Tour de France updates, musings on bike infrastructure, and, sometimes, LeadBoxes™. A simple text link leads to a value-packed subscription opt-in LeadBox™. The colors harmonize with BikeRoar’s branding and with each other, and the image—a mountain biker giving a thumbs up mid-flight—is in keeping with the amped-up, humorous voice of their posts. The form fields add perceived value, too: the ability to specify your zip code and country suggests that you’ll get updates relevant to your location. That’s important for a company that positions itself as a guide to local bike shops. Before you go, don’t forget to grab our mega-pack of call-to-action buttons below. (And although they play nicely with LeadBoxes®, you can use them to link to anything your heart desires.) [cta-box]

Share Your LeadBoxes® with Us!

Before you go, we’d love to see any LeadBoxes® you’ve recently implemented. Leave a comment below and let us know where we can find them! Or, if you don’t have a LeadBox™ to share, tell us which of the 10 examples above was your favorite. Thanks to all the marketers and entrepreneurs featured in this month’s roundup!

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