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Use This "Thank You Page" Tactic (and Template) To Increase Sales

By The Leadpages Team  |  Published Mar 01, 2013  |  Updated Mar 31, 2023
By The Leadpages Team

[cta-box] Hello everyone, my name is Clay Collins, and in this episode of The Marketing Show, I’m going to show you the world’s simplest thank you page, and I’m going to show how to use it to prevent you from loosing sales left and right in your business, and then I’m going to flip it around and show you how to use it to drive sales in your business.

This is a super simple tactic:

This is going to be a palm-to-the-face moment for a lot of people. That’s what you have to look forward to in this episode of The Marketing Show. So in just a second, I’m going to show and demonstrate for you the thank you page itself, but before I do that, I want to show you what this concept and what this idea is based on. So this is a website called Quantum Jumping, and it’s created by a publishing company called Mind Valley, which last I heard was doing around $15 million dollars a year, and I’m going to scroll down to the opt-in part of the page, and I’m going to enter in my first name here and my email address or at least one of them, and when I click on ‘Get free access now,’ I don’t go to a traditional thank you page, but I actually go to the sales page. But at the top, it says,

“Thank you for signing up. Your free introductory course will be sent to your inbox shortly.”

While you wait for part one to arrive in your email, we recommend you read the page below to help you get the most out of your free program. And basically, what follows is a sales page. This is a great way to make sure that you don’t squander the people who opt in to your list by sending them to a boring thank you page that does nothing to further your business. Instead, you tell them that what they opted in for is going to their inbox and that while they’re waiting for it that they can browse this page, and of course, this is the sales page that brings in sales for this business. We implemented this very same concept over here at LeadPlayer, and when I opt in here, you can see that I am taken to the sales page with a message that says, “Thanks for signing up. Everything we promised will be sent to your inbox shortly. While we wait for your materials to arrive via email, we recommend that you read the page below to help you get the most out of your free program.” So again, I’m not squandering the people who joined my list by sending them to a thank you page that does nothing for my business. Instead, I’m sending them to the sales page, but it all makes sense because I’m telling them that everything’s being sent to them, and while they’re waiting for that, they can watch this sales message. And of course, when you click ‘okay,’ the video starts. So what I’m giving you today is a version of this kind of page where people are sent to your sales page after they opt in. Let me show you. I’m going to opt in here, and when I click on ‘Join us,’ I’m sent to this page. It says, “Thanks for signing up. Everything we promised will be sent to your inbox shortly. While you wait for your material to arrive via email, we recommend you click on this button below.” And when they click here, it sends them to the sales page, right. And so this is the page in the template that we're given to you. It’s available below as a PSD download that you can used to create a HTML page if you want, or if you’re a LeadPages member, this is available inside of LeadPages. So if you’re a LeadPages member, just go into your templates, find the Thanks for signing up page, and you can go ahead and modify the copy, right? So obviously, you’d want to replace LeadPages with the name of your brand. You’d want to change this text if you want. You’d want to click on the button and change the URL to be the URL of your website, and you’d want to craft some of this a little bit, but when you’re done, just click on ‘Save to my pages,’ give it a name, and then you can immediately deploy that page using the URL we give you. You can use our WordPress plug-in to deploy the page or you can download the page and put it on your own server. Finally, just a little bit more context on where this page goes. Basically, someone opts in on your opt-in page, then they go to this thank you page which then directs them to the sales page. So you can get sales much earlier, and it also sets the tone for the rest of your relationship with them. It ensures that they see the sales page very early on in their relationship with you. Anyway, my name is Clay Collins. Thank you so much for watching this episode of The Marketing Show. If you’d like to download the PSD for this file, it’s available below to everyone. If you are a LeadPages customer, or if you would like to be a LeadPages customer, this template is available right now live inside of LeadPages. Thank you so much and have an amazing, amazing day.

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By The Leadpages Team
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