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This Headline Tweak Boosted Response By 307%

By The Leadpages Team  |  Published Dec 07, 2013  |  Updated Oct 06, 2023
By The Leadpages Team
A/B Split Test: This Headline Boosted Response by 307%

By Kat Von Rohr, Writer for LeadPages

Yes, sometimes it really is that easy. Recently, LeadPages customer -- the award-winning author, Amanda Stevens -- ran an A/B split test to see if tweaking her headline would increase her conversions. The results shocked even her -- this minor headline change more than tripled her response on this two-step opt-in page. But which headline do you think dominated in this quick A/B test? Take a guess and then scroll down to see the winner below... [caption id="attachment_2195" align="aligncenter" width="620"]

Split Test Choice A

Choice A: A shorter headline on this eBook Landing Page (from Pat Flynn) aimed at the target audience for this book.[/caption] [caption id="attachment_2196" align="aligncenter" width="620"]

Split Test Choice B

Choice B: Same exact eBook Landing Page (from Pat Flynn) only this time the headline is directed at the reader.[/caption]

And the Winner Is…

Choice B. It’s the exact same eBook Landing Page (from Pat Flynn), but the headline reads: “If you’re a retailer in need of fresh ideas and proven growth strategies, this book is for you!”

Now we could make all kinds of guesses about why this second headline performed better. (And if you have an opinion, I’d love to hear it in the comments below.) But just looking at the data for a moment, you should know this second headline killed it in this test with a 99.98% probability. That means our LeadPages system determined there is a 99.98% probability that this awesome headline result was NOT due to chance. [caption id="attachment_2197" align="aligncenter" width="1574"]

Split Test Data

Here’s an up close look at the data from inside LeadPages...[/caption]

Quick tip: For your own split tests - you should always make sure that you have at least a 95% probability or greater that your results are statistically valid. Most split testing tools will give you that data, so you can declare a winner.

But let’s get back to this A/B split test for a moment…

The Story Behind This Split Test

As a writer myself, I love testing headlines like this. I love attacking a subject from multiple angles to see what resonates best with the audience. And I’m not the only one. Our customer, Amanda Stevens only tests headlines on her opt-in pages. She doesn’t bother testing anything else. In her own words... “I've witnessed in the past (even many years ago with traditional direct mail) the power of a headline and the impact a slight headline change can make to response rates.” - Amanda Stevens Obviously, with a 307% boost in conversions -- her headline tests are paying off. A big thanks to Amanda for sharing her results with us. For more on what Amanda is working on right now, check out her website.

How to Start Testing Your Own Headlines

Considering that it only takes seconds to change your headline on any LeadPages template, this is another incredibly simple split test for you to try. As a Pro LeadPages member, you can run as many headline split tests as you’d like -- to see exactly what kind of messages resonate with your audience. Even if you’re not a pro member, you can still split test your headlines inside LeadPages with just about any other split-testing tool available today. (Fair warning: Using other split-testing tools is not as easy as using ours -- but they still work.) For more on how to run split tests like this inside LeadPages, check out our video. For more simple split tests that you can run immediately -- including the basics on how to change your headline -- check out our blog post. Again, I’d love to hear your opinions in the comments. Why do you think this second headline won? Have you had any success with similar headline tests? Let me know below.

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By The Leadpages Team
A/B Split Test: This Headline Boosted Response by 307%
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