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How Taylor Welch Landed A 27% Sales Conversion Rate Using Facebook Ads

By The Leadpages Team  |  Published Jan 25, 2016  |  Updated Mar 31, 2023
By The Leadpages Team


[dropshadowbox effect="horizontal-curve-bottom" width="100%" rounded_corners="false"]Note: The Survey Tactic That Got An Impressive Conversion Rate With Paid Traffic Is Available For Download. Click Here To Download[/dropshadowbox]

Our Guest: Taylor Welch runs a company with a partner, Chris, called Traffic & Funnels. They build funnels for clients to increase revenue and control lead flow. They have worked with entrepreneurs such as Melanie Duncan and Amy Porterfield by helping them with their funnels. Taylor and Chris offer done-for-you services as well as coaching and mentorship in this area of online business. A Quick Preview of the Podcast:

  • How to use a survey within Facebook advertising
  • How to address customer objections and offer a solution upfront
  • How to implement this specific survey tactic seamlessly into your funnel

To See These Tactics In Action:

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Click Here To Learn How Taylor Got A 27% Conversion Rate Through A Front-End SurveyTo See The Transcript: [showhide type="podcast" more_text="Click Here" less_text="Hide The Transcript" hidden="yes"] Tim: Do you know your customer’s biggest objection? If not, chances are you’re leaving a lot of money on the table and not solving a problem you set out to solve. Today’s guest is Taylor Welch and here’s here to share one tactic he used to land a 27% sales conversion rate using Facebook ads. An interesting note is that this isn’t just for some $7 eBook tripwire or something. It’s for a $300 product and my favorite part is that of those 27% of folks who buy the $300 product, 75% will go on to buy a continuity upsell. Sound enticing? Good. Let’s talk about it. I’m Tim Paige, the senior conversion educator here at LeadPages and this is ConversionCast. What’s up Taylor, welcome to ConversionCast. Thanks for coming on the show. Taylor: What’s up guys? Glad to be here. Tim: Yeah happy to have you here. So we’re going to start off by talking about the results you were able to get because anybody that’s selling any kind of products online is going to really appreciate this. So tell us the results you were able to get from this tactic? Taylor: Cool. So everybody I tell this they think we’re joking until I show them the numbers. So we’re building funnels that people are sending traffic to from Facebook, mainly Facebook page traffic. So for most of the funnels across the board we’re seeing 20% to 30% conversion on the front end. In fact the one I’m staring out right now is 27% conversion on a $300 product. So this isn’t like those tripwire products. IT’s like its’ a good chunk of money and then 75% of this funnel right now is converting on a continuity upsell. That’s pretty consistent. I mean sometimes they’ll dip down in the 40s but still man you look at that and it’s like it blows your minds. Tim: Yeah, that’s amazing. I love it. Good and we’re going to get into what you to did to make that happen but before we do, tell us a little bit about kind of who you are and what you do. Taylor: Cool. So my name is Taylor. I live in Memphis and my partner and I his name is Chris, we run a company called Traffic and Funnels. So we basically build funnels, drive traffic . Chris is a traffic strategist. We’ve done work behind the scenes with Melanie Duncan, Amy Porterfield, all these guys who are doing really cool things in the industries and we’re just kind of behind the scenes running some of that. So now we work with clients, we do some coaching, mentorship, and then building this stuff out for people who want to make money and control their lead flow. Tim: Nice, good. Taylor: Yeah. Tim: Okay. So it’s good stuff. That’s kind of a good foundation for where this all comes from. So why don’t you just take us from the beginning, walk us through the process, what you’ve done to get such a high sales conversion rate and one that leads to a nice continuity upsell. Taylor: Yeah. So my career started as a copywriter so I started writing copy a couple of years ago, studied some of the guys that are out now been out [indiscernible [0:02:46]] all these guys who are really good copywriters. So one of the things that I learned very early on is that belief is kind of the main decision maker with people. If they don’t believe that your stuff works, if they don’t believe it’s for them, if they don’t believe it’s the right time or perhaps the only time you know using scarcity right, then they’re not going to buy. It doesn’t matter really about the price. There’s not price objection. There’s really only a belief objection if you will. So when Chris and I started working together, we started putting together some funnels we started rather than guessing the objections that the market had because it’s just a fact. As soon as someone runs out of objections, the marketing has done its job and they’re going to make the purchase, right? So what many people do is they try to just guess what the objections are and what we went out and we actually surveyed people. We asked them kind of what they didn’t like about certain things that they had bought what they wanted in their lives that they weren’t seeing. We got all this data and now we do this routinely for every new client we take on. So we surveyed their list first. We kind of have created a little bit of a segmentation process for figuring out you know, what makes people tick and then we segment them based on their beliefs. So for instance in this market, in the funnel that I’m looking at no, we had three different types of people. We went into his list and we surveyed the list and we asked them a bunch of questions and we found out there were three types of people. There were freelance people, there were consultants and then there are product owners. Those three types of avatars have different beliefs about what they need about what’s holding it back and about what’s possible frankly. So on the front end, we use a survey. We use a tool called a surveyfunnel.io by Jack Born. We segment people coming in to all our funnels on the front end. So for instance, we’ll drive them from Facebook. Let’s say we’re selling something that’s training people on how to use people on Facebook traffic right so an info product that teaches people how to use Facebook. We’ll ask them or we’ll tell them listen what I found is that there are mainly three or four mistakes that people make when they’re trying to learn Facebook and if you don’t fix this on the front end, you’re going to waste all your money. Would you like to know what that is? Of course you would like to know what it is and so you take the quiz, you answer the questions and then based on your questions, we tell you. We read your mail back to you letting you know what your biggest obstacle is, what you need to watch out for. [0:05:01] And then we sell you a product that’s angled and positioned and designed to solve the problem that you just told us that you had in the survey.. Does that make sense? Tim: It does. Yeah. So the key here is first being able to figure out what it is that people tell you their biggest objections are and then you take those objections and you offer them the solution to that problem while overcoming the objection. Taylor: correct and we group everything together. So we also asked people how old they are, how long they have been in business and what we’ll find is a lot of times the answers are correlates right? So most people who maybe over the age of 40 or under the age of 60 they’re consultant. And they’re earning x amount of money and then the other group of people who are under the age of 30 over the age of 20, and they’ve only been in business for sub one year they’re trying to do done for you work. So we can actually group things together so if they answer one question, it sort of tips us off to the answer to the next question. Tim: Nice. Taylor: We’ll use that in the funnel. Tim: And that’s – has that really been the key to getting that 27% conversion rate on the front end? Taylor: I would say that yes and no. The main key honestly if there’s one key it’s the initial page right after they take the quiz. So as soon as they take the quiz, they answer the four, five, six questions. The page right after they have to enter their name and email to get the answers to their quiz and that’s a video. It basically says hey, based on your answers to the quiz, here’s what you’re struggling with and I’ve created a product that does this for you. So it’s extremely customized. You get through all sorts of traffic out to this quiz and it will segment it. Because it’s so relevant it’s like this hyper relevant piece of content right that’s really speaking straight to them. So literally we do these in the supplement space and literally you get together a sign. It’s like okay thanks for taking the quiz. Based upon the answers you’ve taken, we found is that 25 to 30 -year-old males who have a history of sports so we’re reading these people. We’re like just the answer is coming right back to them. Tim: Nice. Taylor: And then whatever we tell them too buy, they’re much more inclined to do that. Because all of the beliefs are there. They feel like it’s for them. They feel like it’s actually going to work. They feel like now is the right time and we also put scarcity on it too so it’s like you know, this is going to be made available to you for $500 discount for the next seven days. Tim: Nice. Taylor: And in that funnel, they’re split into three different campaigns. So all the emails and everything that’s also customer to that person and what they’re dealing with. It’s all custom. Tim: This has been a theme that keeps coming up is being able to speak directly to the exact person that you’re talking to and being able to overcome their specific objections with specific solutions that speak to where they are at that point. That seems to be everybody that’s come on the show that’s been really successful that’s been the number one thing that we keep hearing over and over and over is being able to do that and it sounds like just giving that information as soon as you can is one of the best ways to make that work. Taylor: Absolutely man, relevancy. Tim: I love it, man. Taylor: That’s what it’s all about. Tim: Great. Well thank you so much for sharing this strategy with us. Really appreciate it and I definitely appreciate you coming on the show. Taylor: Love it man. Thank you. [/showhide] Listen To Discover The Survey Tactic That Got A 27% Sales Conversion Rate With Cold Traffic [episodebox]

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