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[Template Download] This Thank You Webinar Page Doubled Our Webinar Registration Rate

By The Leadpages Team  |  Published Apr 03, 2014  |  Updated Sep 12, 2024
By The Leadpages Team
Get more leads with the thank you webinar page

Click here to check out the Webinar Registration Thank You Page you should use AFTER someone registers for your webinar. In a second, I’m going to show you one of the most innovative templates we’ve developed and tell you how we’ve used it to double the number of people that show up to LeadPages webinars. But before we do that, I want to talk about the importance of your post opt-in thank you page. Your post opt-in thank you page is the page that I see after opting in. We need to quickly look at the path that people take to get to your post opt-in and thank you page so we can see just how significant of an event it is when someone arrives here. What I’m about to explain is going to drive home just how rare and special of an event it really is when someone arrives here on your post opt-in thank you page. So here’s how they arrive at this page. Among billions of web pages, someone finds you from SEO, PPC, word of mouth, Social media or a link and you may not think it but do you realize how lucky you are that among billions of pages on the internet that they even found you in the first place? That in and of itself is a small miracle. Next, after they find you they’re one of the few people from a statistical point of view who end up liking your sight enough and want to stay. You’ll find that if you look at your analytics that generally around 70% or more of people immediately leave your site after arriving there. That’s called your bounce rate. Often it’s very high and it’s not uncommon for over half of the people arriving to leave immediately. So these people not only find you among billions of web pages but they like your site enough to not leave immediately. Then not only do they like you enough to not leave immediately but they decide after surfing around a bit and taking a look at things that they want to be part of the 2% that opts in. So according to an informal survey that our CEO Clay Collins has done, a lot of times a conversion rate for traffic on sites is less than 2%. So not only do they find your site among billions of pages, they like your site enough to not immediately leave and they like your site enough to opt in. Now if you’re like most websites when someone opts-in you just say oh thank you and send them on their way. For example most websites do something like this. Right after you opt in-you see something like this that says an email has been sent to you etc. This just completely ends the conversation. This person that just opted in is in a state of hyper compliance when they arrive at this point. They’ve said yes, I want to leave social media and go to your site. They’ve said yes I want to stay in your website and read various articles and watch videos that you have in your sight and they’ve said yes I want to opt in. They’re in a pattern of saying yes. By the time they’ve gotten your post opt-in thank you page, they’ve already done three to five things that are in absolute compliance with what you want them to be doing. The people that say yes and end up on your thank you page are the hottest, most active leads you have but as I said earlier what most websites will do is just say oh thanks and send an email and completely just kill the yes ladder or a conversation they have going. Now I encourage you to not end the conversation there. How do you keep the conversation going? By using this thank you webinar page. This thank you webinar page doesn’t end the conversation. In fact, it offers the people who just opted in an opportunity for further engagement by signing up for a webinar. Letme show you how this page works by going to our blog. Now after someone clicks here and opts in using a LeadBox, they’re sent to this page where it says thanks for signing up and all this here and then they’re offered the opportunity to sign up for a webinar. We’re finding right now that about 20% of the people that end up on this page actually opt in. This is significant because they’ve already performed a string of activities showing us that they want to get involved. This 20% is huge for us. This page is so amazing because it allows you to capture as many opt-ins as possible while still getting people on to your webinar. A lot of times, if people just want to promote a webinar they’ll send people to the webinar page but not everyone wants to attend the webinar or attend a webinar at all. So if you give people a low friction activity like opting in for a free report or a newsletter, you get everyone who would have opted in for that but then by using this page, you get everyone who would have opted in for your webinar as well. So this lets you create a two-part opt-in funnel. Then to really to kick up the effectiveness of this two-part opt-in funnel, we use our webinar registration thank you page to get people to actually show up for this webinar they just signed up for. Now I’ll link to the post where we gave this page away below this video. If you do nothing else but invite people who’ve opted in to get involved at a deeper level by getting on a webinar with you, you can make a huge impact on your bottom line and increase your revenue. So let’s customize this page inside of LeadPages. First find the thank you webinar page and click use this template, select which market you’re in. If you’d only like to use this page as a webinar registration page, you can do that. You just go into the header section and click hidden and the page instantly becomes a webinar registration page only. I’m going to use the thank you section though. Like with all pages inside of LeadPages, to edit something just click on it and edit. Now I’m going to change when the webinar happens here then you can either have one or two presenters. You just hide whatever you don’t need. I’m going to be doing this webinar with Tim so I’ll add my image in place of Clay’s. I’ll add my name here then I need to change the date of this webinar right here as well. If you have more bullets to add to this section, it expands or contracts accordingly. Now I need to select my opt-in form integrations. So I’ll select the email service provider I want to integrate with, which list I want to add people to then I’ll need to integrate this page with GoToWebinar and select which webinar I want to register people for. And then once I’m done customizing, I’ll name the page and once I save the page and hit publish, the page is now live on the internet and LeadPages gives me a URL that I can use immediately to view the page. So let’s go there and check out the page. Here’s the page we just created looking great and LeadPages handles making it mobile responsive so it will resize for whatever screen you’re viewing the page on. Now back in the publishing window we have a few more options. You can publish the page to WordPress, publish the page to Facebook a Facebook tab or finally you could download the file and put it on your own server. If you’re not a LeadPages customer, you will need to be a coder or hire a coder to make the downloadable template below work. For nonLeadPages customers it’s a bit more difficult to set up. Here’s what you’ll need to do if you’re not a LeadPages customer. If you’re a developer, click on the link below and opt-in to get this thank you webinar page and our LeadMagnet delivery system will deliver it to you. Modify the HMTL and CSS using your coding skills or the coder you’ve hired. Integrate it with your autoresponder, WordPress, etc., get your landing page code that you’ve generated and finally publish the page. So these are all the steps that you’ll need to take if you’re not a LeadPages customer. We’ve found that typically it will cost around $300 for a coder to customize and publish this page for you. If you are a LeadPages customer, you can customize this page and have it live online within five minutes. In fact, you don’t need to download this template, it’s only in the member’s area where LeadPages handles everything for you including making it mobile responsive, sending out your LeadMagnet, integrating the page with Facebook, WordPress and so on as well as integrating the page with your autoresponder like AWeber, MailChimp, InfusionSoft, Office Autopilot, etc. If you’re not a LeadPages customer and you’d like to be, head to www.LeadPages.net to get LeadPages. I'm Jeff Wenberg and thanks for sharing your eyeballs with me.

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By The Leadpages Team
Get more leads with the thank you webinar page
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