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[Download] This Template Makes Generating Leads Stunningly Simple

By The Leadpages Team  |  Published May 25, 2015  |  Updated Oct 06, 2023
By The Leadpages Team
[Download] This Template Makes Generating Leads Stunningly Simple

[cta-box] Businesses of all sizes utilize professionally designed websites. However, a recent study showed that only 32% of them report that they're using dedicated landing pages successfully, despite how effective they are. No matter how good a website looks, it's still only as good as the traffic it converts into leads and customers. If you'd like to see more tangible results for your online marketing, a high converting opt-in page would be a great place to start. I'm excited to share with you a great new template created by LeadPages web developer Jared Mapplethorpe. This opt-in template can be used by any kind of business that wants to capture someone's email address to add them to a list. Shortly after Jared created it, it became one of the highest converting templates in our LeadPages marketplace. We're giving away this simple email capture template for free, and you can download it at any time by clicking the button below this video. Let's take a look at the pages that customize it and I'll explain what makes it such a highly converting page. Now at first glance you'll notice that the page has a really clean and simple design. The visitor only has one main choice. This is a strategic decision because the author wanted to create a super straightforward landing page that concisely explained the benefits of opting in. It was meant to quickly convey the point without intimidating the visitor without too much information. The first thing the viewer sees is the large high quality background image. These full-screen building images are really popular on the web right now. For this customization I'll be setting up a page for a coffee shop so I'm going to change the background image to be an image of the shop in order to specifically optimize the page for this example. Now if you don't have a high quality image you can find some great ones online at sites like allthefreestock.com. The next thing to do is add your logo to the page here. I'm going to go ahead and click the logo section and choose a new image from the image bank. If you need to upload an imagine, you just select upload right down here. Now I'm going to customize the copy. You'll want to think about the main objective of the page, which in this example is to get someone to sign up for a coffee club. People are more likely to sign up for something if they get something really valuable in return, so I'm going to give away a free cup of coffee. I'll go ahead and type in a new headline. I'll use these other sections to make sure people are clear about what they're signing up for. If you don't want to use this section you can always just hide it by clicking on the gear icon and then selecting hide. This section over here is where I'm going to put my call to action. You can do this by phrasing it in a voice that they're already using in their heads. For example, you could say, "Yes, give me a free cup of coffee,' or, "I want coffee." I'm also going to add a bonus here so that when people sign up for the club they're entered to win a ten-pound bag of coffee. Bonuses are highly effective at getting people to opt in on a specific form. Once you've customized all the images and copy, you have to option of changing the colors to match your design or brand name. I'm just going to adjust the color here by going to the styles tab and dragging the color picker to where I want it. That's it. The page is now customized. You'll notice that I haven't changed the structure or organization of the page that much from the original template. LeadPages is constantly analyzing conversion data from templates so you know that if you stay close to the original design, you'll get a proven effective page. Just save that page when you're done and hit publish. Now all of our pages are mobile-responsive and can be published on LeadPages servers, to WordPress, on Facebook as a Facebook tab, or you can download the files and upload them to your own server. If you're already a LeadPages customer, this template's ready for you to use at my.leadpages.net. If you're not a LeadPages customer and would like to use this template on your website, it's available for free. Just click below to download all the HTML, CSS, JavaScript, fonts, and image files that you'll need to implement the page. This file is yours free but you'll save a ton of time and hundreds or even thousands of dollars in implementation and deployment costs by using LeadPages. As a LeadPages customer you'll be able to choose from a huge library of beautifully designed and proven effective templates that you can then customize and publish within minutes without ever having to touch a line of code. Just head to www.leadpages.com and click on the button below the video to get LeadPages. If you're unsure which plan to go with, we recommend the Pro Edition with an annual subscription, as it comes with the majority of the features we have, allows for split testing your LeadPages and LeadBoxes, and is 40% less than paying monthly. All of our plans come with a 30-day guarantee, so join us at the Pro Level today.

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By The Leadpages Team
[Download] This Template Makes Generating Leads Stunningly Simple
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