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[Template Marketplace] Author Spotlight Series #3: Travis Moore

By The Leadpages Team  |  Published Jan 14, 2015  |  Updated Mar 31, 2023
By The Leadpages Team

Future Marketplace authors...get out your pens and papers. Travis Moore is a guy whose advice you need to follow to the T. Not only is he our most successful author (as of this writing), but he is one of the most active authors on our forums AND in the comment sections of other authors’ templates. He's everywhere, he has over 15 templates in the Marketplace (you can view them all here), and today he’s sharing with you the secrets to becoming a prolific author like him. Enjoy this new edition of the Author Spotlight!


1) Why did you decide to create templates for the LeadPages™ Marketplace?

Well, my story starts when I first learned about the Marketplace when I was driving to work listening to Pat Flynn's podcast, where he was talking to Clay about LeadPages™ and briefly mentioned something about the new Marketplace opening. At first it didn't really click in my head as something I needed to check out right away, but a couple days after I saw one of Pat’s newsletters in my inbox talking about the Marketplace. He said if I purchased one of the templates in the Marketplace I could get a free month of LeadPages™. So I checked out the Marketplace and saw the available templates. There were some templates I saw that were cheaper and that could have benefited me in my business adventures, but I decided to purchase Pat’s food trucker template (even though I’m not in the food trucking business) as a little give back for all the things Pat has opened my eyes up to. That dude is truly and inspiration and amazing. After I checked out the LeadPages™ website and editor, I dove into the sample template LeadPages™ provided and roughly saw how things worked from a developer’s perspective. As a long-time designer, developer and online marketer, it was just the perfect combination of things for me to want to get in to. Thats when I decided to develop my very first template for the Marketplace: “AppTastic”.

2) Why did you create the “AppTastic” template?

I created AppTastic because, at the time, I didn't see a single app-type landing page in LeadPages™ or in the Marketplace. I figured it was a no-brainer and someone in LeadPages™ HAS to have an app out there they need to promote. So I decided that would be the first template for customers in needed to create, and I also figured it would be a perfect template for me to test the waters in terms of the template approval process. [caption id="" align="alignnone" width="676"]


View the entire template by clicking here.[/caption] As for all my other templates, most of them stem from what people want. I try and reach out to people and I set up a popup on my website markeazy.com, which prompts visitors to, “Tell me your template idea and if I make it I will send it to you for free!” This way I can solve someone's problem, provide them with a quality free template and grow the Marketplace with templates that don’t already exist.

3) How do you create your templates? Do you collaborate with any designers or coders?

I have hired a team working 24/7 around the clock specializing in all aspects of aspects of design, development and marketing. Nah, I’m just kidding. It’s just me for now. I do everything, from concept to photoshop design to development and copywriting. I think about what template I want to make next (by the factors stated in Question 2) and then pick one to go with. Then start the standard design and development process from there and create the template. I taught myself web development at a very young age and I’ve been doing this same stuff with all sorts of online projects working as a designer and developer for multiple marketing companies for a while now, so that helps.

4) What are some ways marketers can use your templates? Any “special features” first time users should be sure to take advantage of?

To start off, the development of all my templates are focused around the way customers use the LeadPages™ builder and what I can or can’t do with the builder. I try to make the templates pretty flexible to the customers needs. A really basic example of this is say there is a group of four images lined up side by side and you hide one in the builder, then the other three will automatically align to the center and not leave a blank space when hidden. Here is a screenshot displaying that example:


But template customers need to look out because sometimes this requires me having to place the item inside a container that you must hide as well for it to center align properly. See the image attached and be sure to watch out for that container around the item for it to center properly:


Another thing I’ll do from time to time is add spacers in my templates. Be on the lookout for spacers in your sidebar so things can be adjusted to align properly if needed. They are all over the top area of the Master Multipurpose template:


Honestly, I see a lot of people purchasing my templates and giving me amazing support and reviews, but they never send over a link of their page. But, then again, I never ask for them. I’d love to see more though if anyone who has purchased my template is reading this. Place them in the comments section of this blog post. That being said, there is one I remember that stands out. When Noelia Sanchez purchased my “Resourceful” template and sent the link of her configured page, I was blown away by her color scheme she used. It’s was absolutely beautiful! She’s making me look bad, because it’s better than my original color scheme...


6) What are the best pieces of advice you could give to someone thinking about creating a template?

Before you consider making a template for the Marketplace, make sure your mindset is geared towards upkeep and customer service. It’s not a good practice to put up a template and get that quick buck and never touch the template again. You have to be prepared to answer those customer questions in a timely manner, fix their issues and update your templates to the platform changes. I really hate seeing a customer purchase some other author’s template only to find a bug, try to contact the author and they get no reply. I know people are busy at times, but you have a product people are spending their hard earned money on. You need to make sure they are taken care of.

7) What’s one kind of template you’re dying to see added to the Marketplace?

I wouldn’t say it’s a specific kind of template, but I want to see some parallax templates with crazy functionality. I don’t know how they would perform from a conversion standpoint, but from the developer speaking in me I would like to see it.

8) What is your favorite template that you have created so far?

Of course they are all awesome and have their own unique features, but overall I really love my Master Multipurpose Template the most. I just love the fact that it really is like the Swiss Army Knife of templates. On top of that, the copy on it is littered with conversion tips and tricks. I developed it to be full of features and editing options and with spacers to line stuff up like I explained before. It’s my best-selling template and people love it, and I’m loving that it is helping people.

[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="758"]


View the entire template by clicking here.[/caption]

9) Do you have any other Marketplace template ideas in the works?

Of course! I am so excited to contribute to the Marketplace and love hearing all the positive feedback from customers and you guys at LeadPages™. So I have a ton of templates in the works -- I’m just juggling what ones I should dish out first. Right now I am in the process of creating these super fast-loading PPV marketing templates. But they are just so extremely basic in nature that I’m trying to figure out how I’m going to set it up in the Marketplace for customers.

10) Are you using LeadPages™ in your business right now? If so, how are you using it?

Yes I am, and I absolutely love the LeadBoxes® feature. It’s just so easy to place that simple script of code on my website which activates the LeadBox™ so people can opt-in for leads. It’s crazy-amazing how easy it is to setup and use. Saves me a ton of time.

11) How can someone reach out or learn more about you?

You can head over to my website Markeazy.com and view all the templates I have created for the Marketplace. It’s pretty new right now but I’m working my butt off to get stuff on there that will make people’s lives easier with marketing. I have a lot of free goodies you can download, like mockups for your templates, banners, a headline hacks cheat sheet, etc.

One more thing. I want to give everyone a free LeadPages™ template they can upload and use right away with their LeadPages™ account. It’s free and you can download the template here and just click the “Gimme Template” button on the actual template to get it. If you have any issues or questions, click on the help / support button on markeazy.com.

Visit the Marketplace

And that wraps up this edition of the Author Spotlight! Don’t forget to check out Travis Moore’s templates:

Elegant App Facebook


If you want to see more templates like these, be sure to visit the entire LeadPages™ Marketplace for some of the best landing pages templates you’ll ever see. Check back on the blog every Wednesday for more posts from the Marketplace, as we’ll be featuring more interviews, templates and a few other surprises.

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By The Leadpages Team
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