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[Template Marketplace] Author Spotlight Series #4: Pat Flynn

By The Leadpages Team  |  Published Jan 28, 2015  |  Updated Mar 31, 2023
By The Leadpages Team

In 2014, Pat Flynn made no less than $71,000 in passive income per month. That's not a brag. If anything, we mention it because it illustrates the fact that Pat has found the secret to successfully making passive income. He blends marketing savvy, strong product ideation and impeccable execution to create things that can aid business owners of every level. Part of that marketing savvy and execution shines through with the way Pat uses LeadPages™. Not only is he an avid user of LeadPages™, but now he’s creating and sharing successful templates in our Marketplace (the very same templates he uses on his own site to generate his passive income). So this week, we sat down with Pat (click here to see a listing of all his templates) -- creator of the Pat’s Food Truckr Page and the Smart Passive Income App Download -- to talk about the importance of being unique, five specific places to use LeadPages™ templates in your business and why being the first user of your own template helps sales. Enjoy this new edition of the Author Spotlight!


1. Why did you decide to create a template for the LeadPages™ Marketplace?

As an advisor for the company, I got early knowledge of the Marketplace and I wanted in ASAP. This is such a good idea for everyone - users of LeadPages™ who will have access to more specialized, independently created landing pages, developers who can create landing pages and earn a side income from the work that they do - and for LeadPages™ as a company, of course. Being all for it, I wanted to see what it might be like from a developer’s point of view. I’m not a developer myself, so I teamed up with one to create a LeadPages™ template based on a high-demand landing page I had on one of my own sites, and was happy to share it on the marketplace.

2. Why did you create the Pat’s Food Truckr template?

The sales page for FoodTruckr.com sells a product that I created for a recent niche site I built for the food truck industry - the first product on the site in fact, and I was quite proud of the results. After sharing the results of the launch of that product with my audience at SmartPassiveIncome.com, several people wanted to know where they could get access to a theme or landing page that looked like what my designer had custom built. Unfortunately, it wasn’t available until recently when it entered the LeadPages™ Marketplace. It’s bold, it’s photo-centric, and it fits perfectly for showcasing a digital product that ties into a physical and visual space - like a Food Truck. [caption id="" align="alignnone" width="758"]


Click here to see the entire template.[/caption]

3. How did you create your template? Did you collaborate with any designers or coders?

I’m no developer, so I had an expert who was familiar with converting landing pages into LeadPages™ help me out. The design of the page itself, however, was done in house within my own team.

4. What are some ways marketers can use your Food Truckr template? Any “special features” first time users should be sure to take advantage of?

It’s definitely food truck centric, but realize that it doesn’t have to be. All of the images can be swapped out, but I’d recommend finding an image that matches the needs and wants of your niche that frames the hero/top area nicely like the default picture does.

5. What are the best pieces of advice you could give to someone thinking about creating a template?

Try to build a unique, but effective template. You can have a unique one but if it doesn’t perform, then what’s the point? Test it out on your own site to ensure that it works so you can be confident it performs well for others as well. With that said, you can have an effective template but if it’s not unique, it’s going to be second to other templates that are already out there.

6. What’s one kind of template you’re dying to see added to the Marketplace?

I’d like to see more unique LeadBoxes templates specifically!

7. Are there any marketers out there whom you would absolutely love to see create a Marketplace template?

Most of the marketers I admire and learn from are already using LeadPages™ :P

8. Do you have any other Marketplace template ideas in the works?

Actually, I just launched my second one, which is a landing page to download my brand’s mobile application.


9. Are you using LeadPages™ in your business right now? If so, how are you using it?

Yes, absolutely. I’m using it on several sites to do everything from build buzz for an upcoming launch, to collecting email addresses on some of my primary sites, to thank you pages, webinar registrations, and landing pages for traffic that comes from specific locations back to my site. I use LeadPages™ for digital asset delivery as well and, of course, LeadBoxes (which I love to brag about how I helped LeadPages™ come up with that idea, teehee). And that wraps up this edition of the Author Spotlight! Don’t forget to check out Pat’s Marketplace templates:


Pat's FoodTruckr Twitter

If you want to see more templates like these, be sure to visit the entire LeadPages™ Marketplace for some of the best landing pages templates you’ll ever see. Check back on the blog every Wednesday for more posts from the Marketplace, as we’ll be featuring more interviews, templates and a few other surprises.

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