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[LeadPages Feature Update] Submit Custom Landing Page Templates To LeadPages

By The Leadpages Team  |  Published Jul 11, 2013  |  Updated Mar 31, 2023
By The Leadpages Team

Hey, this is Jeff Wenberg from LeadPages. At LeadPages, we’ve always been about getting the best conversions for our customers as possible. Occasionally, that’s meant people contribute templates to the LeadPages community that are working incredibly well for them so that we can share it with everyone, thus improving LeadPages overall conversion rates. It’s probably obvious that LeadPages is becoming more and more like an open platform as we add templates contributed by users. Jonathan Zittrain, Professor of Internet Law at Harvard said this about open platforms. Open platforms tend to offer greater flexibility, and by making the use of a new digital product or service more flexible, a company can court far more usage. We agree and we think this flexibility is one of the things that’s led to more LeadPages users pulling in centigrade conversion rates. Every day, we had emails from LeadPages users who have found something that’s working amazingly, and they want to add it to LeadPages not only for themselves, but also so they can scale it across their own organization, have other clients with LeadPages accounts, other people in their business with LeadPages accounts, and friends with LeadPages accounts use these templates as well. For example, here are some templates that LeadPages super user Juan Martitegui has uploaded that he’s sharing with people in his organization. We’re finding more and more, the people are really wanting the option to be able to upload their own templates. With that in mind, we’re very excited to announce that we’ve added the ability for people to upload their own LeadPage templates to the platform. We’re starting out by only accepting a few user templates. At this time, we’ll only be taking those templates to people that are willing to share with the entire LeadPages community. Right now, we’re making the ability to upload templates on a selective basis, and we’ll be selecting approximately 3 to 3 people’s templates right now, and then in the future, we’ll be allowing anyone to upload their own custom templates for themselves and their organization only. If you have a template you’d like to submit, you can go to leadpages.net/templateapp to do that. So why would you want to contribute a template to the entire LeadPages community? Well, there are a few reasons for doing so. You’ll be able to see how well your template performs compared to the other templates inside of LeadPages, which will give you insightful knowledge for future pages you create. The template will be named after you so all LeadPages users will know exactly who the template came from and who to thank for it. And if your template is selected, you’ll be given the ability to add private templates as well, which will only be available to you and your organization. If you’d like more information about how templates can be added to LeadPages, you can go to platform.leadpages.net. As I said earlier at this point though, we are only accepting templates from people who are willing to share them with the entire LeadPages community. This is really exciting news and we can’t wait to see the templates that are submitted. If you do have a template that you would like to submit, please go to leadpages.net/templateapp. I’m Jeff Wenberg. Have a great day. [0:02:47] End of Audio

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By The Leadpages Team
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