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This Week's ConversionCast Roundup: Interviews with Udemy, YesWare, Help Scout, Smart Marketer and LeadPages

By The Leadpages Team  |  Published Mar 15, 2014  |  Updated Mar 31, 2023
By The Leadpages Team

By Tom Johnson, Analyst for Leadpages

We just launched our newly minted ConversionCast podcast a week ago. So far, marketers are already loving this new daily podcast.

On its very first day, ConversionCast debuted as the #1 business podcast and the #1 marketing podcast on iTunes. In the last week alone, we have received 70 five-star ratings and reviews.

Now, we want to hear what you think about ConversionCast.

As an extra incentive: If you go on iTunes and leave us a review for ConversionCast, the Leadpages team will give you a free critique of your own marketing materials.

To get this free critique: Simply sign into iTunes, listen to one episode of the podcast and leave us a review. Inside your review, drop a URL of your site or page that you would like our team to critique.

Then our team will review your work inside a video like the one below.

Again, you can get a free review like this by visiting iTunes and leaving us a review for ConversionCast. (Don’t forget to include your URL in your review so we can critique your site.)

For now, you can read on for a glimpse at this past week’s episodes below.


How Ezra Firestone Tripled His Conversion Rate On a High Ticket Offer Overnight

Fellow podcaster Ezra Firestone kicked off of the week with a discussion on how he tripled conversion rates on a single, but very important funnel tested across multiple sites. Armed with these results, Ezra applied these techniques across multiple channels to make each customer contact the most valuable it can be. At each level he balanced raw click numbers with conversion rates to find an equilibrium that increased overall conversions by 150%.

Listen to the full episode on iTunes right now.


The Exact Tactic Udemy Used to Double the Lifetime Value of their Customers

  • Guest: Archie Abrams of Udemy
  • You’ll learn: Long-term strategy and making the most of customer contact.

After noticing a few trends in their registrations, the online education marketplace Udemy tested a seven day drip email campaign to boost their numbers. The results helped develop a system of sales strategies that ended up doubling the lifetime value per customer. Not a bad lesson from a company dedicated to learning.

Listen to the full episode on iTunes right now.


How LeadPages Increased Opt-In Rates From 0.5% To 10% on This Blog

  • Guest: Clay Collins of LeadPages
  • You’ll learn: The art of lead magnets from the co-founder of LeadPages.

This past Wednesday, LeadPages co-founder and CEO Clay Collins shared his experience using LeadPages to boost conversions on our very own LeadPages blog. Using lead magnets targeted by the content of a post, LeadPages grew conversions across the entire site from 0.5% to 10%. In the just 30 days, this lead gen tactic led to a 20x increase in overall revenue.

Listen to the full episode on iTunes right now.


How Help Scout Achieved a $300,000 Revenue Increase

  • Guest: Nick Francis of Help Scout
  • You’ll learn: Data + salesmanship = big results.

Help Scout software helps businesses keep up personal one-on-one conversations with hundreds of customers at a time. In this episode, Help Scout talks about how they tested a variety of contact scenarios to help manage their own customers and maximize conversions. When their salespersons have a clear idea of what triggers work best it’s easy to get results, and in the case of Help Scout, hundreds of thousands of dollars in additional revenue.

Listen to the full episode on iTunes right now.


How Yesware Made Customers Ask for a Price Increase (And Boosted Their Revenue By 14X in the Process)

  • Guest: Jake LaVerne of Yesware.com
  • You’ll learn: Increasing the number of users is not the only way to increase revenue.

It’s every marketer’s dream to hear customers tell you your product is worth more than you’re asking. Sounds crazy, but it happened to Jake LaVerne and his company’s rock-solid productivity plugins. When he rolled out a new tiered services model just over a year ago — ranging anywhere from free to $50/month — Jake used his existing customers feedback to multiply his revenue by 14x, with 68% coming from the highest paying tiers his own customers demanded.

Listen to the full episode on iTunes right now.

That’s it for this week’s ConversionCast Roundup. Follow along each day next week as we reveal more discussion on the ins and outs of successful conversion testing.

Before I go, here are two ways to get involved with ConversionCast...

When you review us, we’ll review you — Log into iTunes and leave us a review of ConversionCast, and we’ll review of your marketing materials in a video like the one above free of charge.

Be a guest on ConversionCast — If you’d like to hear your own testing/conversion case study featured on ConversionCast, please visit conversioncast.com/guest and tell us about yourself. We’re always looking for new guests with great metrics to share.

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By The Leadpages Team
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