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Why Are Landing Pages Important? 5 Reasons Entrepreneurs Can’t Afford to Ignore Them

By The Leadpages Team  |  Published May 23, 2017  |  Updated Mar 31, 2023
By The Leadpages Team

You're starting to get your business off the ground. You've gone to the trouble of buying a domain and getting a website built (which wasn't exactly easy).And then you hear someone say, “You know, you really should be using landing pages.”Ugh. You're not thrilled to hear there's one more thing you ought to do. You're not even sure why landing pages are important in the first place. So do you take that advice? Or do you tune it out?I want to help you make an informed choice. I'm writing for the Leadpages blog, so you can guess that I think landing pages are important—for most entrepreneurs. Here, I want to explain exactly how they can generate revenue for you and how they fit together with everything else you're doing to market your business.If you're a visual learner—or if you feel ready to build high-converting landing pages sooner rather than later—I'd recommend our free Landing Page Tutorial. You’ll learn key concepts about building landing pages and how to make your own in minutes. Just click the button below.


Ready to get started? Read on...

1. Create Offers to Connect with Different Audiences

Your homepage caters to your entire audience. It’s a central location for your visitors, leads, and customers to learn about your business.And while it may seem like a perfect catch-all to promote your offers, it usually can’t speak directly to the individual needs of different audience segments.If your business serves multiple types of buyers, you understand the importance of segmenting your audience. Sending the wrong message to potential customers translates into confused visitors and fewer conversions. What you need is a tool that can be tailored to your different audiences. You need a landing page. Let’s say you’re an event planner who mainly organizes weddings and graduation parties.Of course, these two types of events attract different audiences to your business. You have frantic brides calling you to design their perfect wedding, and you also have parents and soon-to-be graduates wanting you to arrange the best celebration ever.Instead of creating two websites or adding another hard-to-find page to your site, you can create two landing pages that specifically serve each segment. You can create targeted landing pages that serve any purpose, from lead generation to sales. But let's imagine that in this case you want to get leads. Here's how one simple landing page idea could be adapted for two different audience segments. Your landing page for engaged couples might look like this…


The landing page dedicated for graduates might say this…


Not only is the text geared toward each audience, but so too is the background image. You want every element of your page matching your targeted messaging.

2. Get More Conversions from Paid Advertising

Paid advertising is one of the best methods to generate new leads for your business. However, it also can be the most costly if you don’t know how to use it correctly.There are horror stories across the Internet about how uninformed entrepreneurs spent thousands on online ads only to receive a few leads.Lots of things can cause low ROI. But if you’re spending money on clicks without earning it back from conversions, the problem isn’t the ad—it’s the destination.Many businesses just send visitors to their website after they click on the ad, and this presents a problem. When visitors arrive, they don't know what to do next. So they leave immediately. The solution is simple: build a landing page that clearly and specifically fulfills the promise you made in your online ad. Because it’s not part of your core website, you don’t have to worry about distracting visitors with elements like a navigation menu or information about totally separate offers. When your landing page stays focused, your visitors know exactly what to do. Here’s our Facebook ad…


And here's the landing page visitors see after clicking the ad...


This page delivers on its promise from the ad. It offers visitors a six-chapter guide to help them generate more revenue for their businesses. It doesn’t include any gimmicks to buy an additional product, and it’s very clear what the visitor should do next.

3. Direct Qualified Traffic to Your Upcoming Webinar

Webinars are a highly effective way to interact with your consumers online. They’re fairly inexpensive and you don’t need to prepare weeks in advance. Plus, webinars give your audience an opportunity to talk directly to you. They can ask you questions about your products and connect with your infectious personality.Some businesses shy away from webinars because they seem logistically complex, but they really don't have to be. You have tech options ranging from YouTube Live all the way up to full-on paid services like GoToWebinar.Once you've decided how to present your webinar, you just need to collect registrants. And that's why landing pages are important. Even high-quality webinar hosting platforms often give you bare-bones registration page options that aren’t necessarily designed with conversion in mind. They’ll do in a pinch, but why not set yourself up for greater success? A good webinar registration page doesn't just tell people the basics—it gets them excited to attend. If you use Leadpages to build your page, it can even send their info to your webinar host and to your email list at the same time. Below, you can see how Skillcrush built a webinar landing page with Leadpages to kick off the new year. Below you’ll notice a value-added headline with a short description and bullet points about the topic. I love the social proof section titled What People Are Saying.


Click here to view this landing page

Here’s another example of a registration-driving landing page from entrepreneur Melyssa Griffin. She outlines exactly what participants will learn during her webinar and creates urgency with a countdown clock. Her friendly photo at the top of the page also gives it a personal touch.


Click here to view this landing page

The takeaway: if you have a clear purpose for your traffic, like an upcoming webinar, landing pages are the best way to convert visitors into leads.

4. Build Your Email List with Bonus Content

If you’re new to online marketing, you’ve probably been reading a lot of material. You’re spending nights and weekends to become a well-informed entrepreneur.By now, you’ve come across the importance of building an email list. Everyone is telling you that your profit lies in your list and how without a list you can't build a quality relationship with your future customers.But how do you build that list? One of the easiest ways is to create a landing page offering your audience bonus content.Bonus content is anything that adds extra value for your visitors. For instance, if you wrote a blog post about how to install a radio in a car, your bonus content might be a resource guide of the five best car radio brands on the market.Check out the landing page below from Sleep Baby Love. They are offering parents a free guide on how to create good sleeping habits for their kids in exchange for their email address.


Click here to view this landing page

Sure, Sleep Baby Love could figure out a way to put this offer on their homepage. But it'd be easy to miss amid all the other information, and it definitely wouldn't have the same impact as this full-screen image of a bright-eyed (and well-rested) baby. This strategy works even if you don't primarily sell information products. Below, dance-clothing company indi pole wear uses a focused landing page to offer a guide on stretching. It establishes the company as an authority in the sport and gives them an opportunity to play up the comfort and flexibility of their designs.


You can start growing your email list today with a simple landing page and valuable bonus content.

5. Run Special Promotions

As a kid, I loved shopping with my mom at the JCPenney department store. They ran special promotions that included free World’s Finest Chocolate bars. When you unwrapped the candy, the inside label revealed your store discount. Sometimes it would be a 10%-, 15%-, or 20%-off coupon. Of course, I just wanted the candy, but it was a great promotion that got more shoppers in the store—much more exciting and effective than simply mentioning a discount in a catalog. A great landing page can be like the chocolate bar that gets customers in the door.If you’re a chiropractor who treats patients with chronic back pain, maybe you want to offer a 15% discount to your customers. Your first option is to place the offer on your website, but we’ve already noted the drawbacks to that approach.The best option is to build a landing page for your special promotions. That way, you can send your audience to a specific page to receive your targeted message.Plus, it makes starting and ending your promotions easier for you. You don’t have to get a designer and developer involved to add a new page to your existing website for a promotion that might only run for a week. You can just use a landing page builder like Leadpages to swiftly spin up the promo page you need, and take it down or redirect it when the deadline hits.Your page can be as simple as this one: an offer, a little bit of explanatory text, and a countdown timer.


Boost Your Revenue with Landing Pages

The options are endless when it comes to generating sales for your business. However, a landing page is the best choice to speak directly to your target audience and offer valuable content. Plus, with easy-to-use templates from Leadpages, you can send qualified traffic to your offer in under an hour.Ready to build your first landing page? Check out our free Landing Page Tutorial below.


Have any other questions about when to use a landing page? Ask us in the comments below.

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By The Leadpages Team
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