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[Bonus] How to Get My Free Landing Page Course

By The Leadpages Team  |  Published Feb 27, 2013  |  Updated Mar 31, 2023
By The Leadpages Team

Starting this Thursday I'm teaching a free & live landing page course (although recordings of it will be available).

In fact, I'm going to be teaching the course every week for the next four Thursdays. Here's what we're going to cover: Week 1 - Thursday The 28th at 8PM Eastern - Orientation This week we'll meet for orientation, handing out the syllabus, and initial Q & A. I'll also be handing out the first week's homework (yes, I will be reviewing your progress and homework each week; the homework is optional, but I'll be here to review it). Week 2 - Thursday The 7th at 8PM Eastern - Create The Perfect Opt-In Bribe (Or Lead Magnet) For Your BusinessThursday's class will be about how to create the perfect opt-in bribe (or lead magnet) for your business. It will last about an hour with Q & A at the end. We'll be working on our lead magnets during class, and by the end of the class you will have created an opt-in bribe that outperforms your current one. Week 3 - Week of March 14th at 8PM Eastern - Creating Landing Pages That Get Between A 50% and 75% Opt-In Rate We'll be meeting again on Thursday to walk through the process for creating a landing page that gets between a 50% and 75% opt-in rate. During the class you'll actually be making your landing page with LeadPages™; so by the time this class is over your new page will have been completed. (In other words this is a live workshop where you'll actually get stuff done; I have no interest in teaching unapplied theory). By the end of this class your new landing page will be live on the internet and ready to generate new leads for you. Week 4 - March 21st at 8PM Eastern - Create Your Autoresponder Followup Sequence It's been said that "the fortune is in the followup" and I've found this to be true in our business. This week, we'll be focusing on creating an automated email marketing followup sequence that folks get after opting into your list.

Here's how to get this free course . . .

This course and all the recordings (which I'm valuing at $1k) is free to all current LeadPages™ customers 100% free of charge. If you're not a LeadPages customer, you must purchase LeadPages by THIS Thursday (February 28th) at Noon Pacific time, in order to get free access to this class (and any recordings). Unfortunately there will be no exceptions. See you on the first class. Warm regards, Clay P.S. LeadPages™ customers will get emailed instructions (on how to attend the call) at 1PM PST this Thursday. For now, just hold open the 5PM PST (8PM Eastern) time slot. P.P.S. Again, if you'd like to attend this live course (or get the workshop recordings), you need to purchase LeadPages by Thursday February 28th.

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By The Leadpages Team
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