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8 Long-Form Landing Page Examples to Help You Boost Your Leads & Sales

By Bob Sparkins  |  Published Sep 27, 2023  |  Updated Feb 03, 2025
By Bob Sparkins

A marketer with 17 years of experience, Bob has taught over 1,000 webinars and spoken at over 50 events.


Everyone knows that people’s attention spans on the internet are decreasing, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t a time and place for long-form landing pages. If you’re offering a product or service that’s a little complicated or has a higher price point, you’ll need more space to demonstrate its value. If you’re thinking about building a long-form landing page for your business, check out the examples below for a little inspiration.

What is a long-form landing page?

A long-form landing page is a longer page that utilizes more text and sections than standard landing pages. The point at which a page becomes a long-form landing page is subjective, but generally speaking if it has five or more sections you can consider it long-form.

Because these pages are longer they have room for a lot more content than short-form landing pages. Long-form landing pages often include a list of benefits, a bio of the product creator, testimonials, pricing information, a CTA section, and more.


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Are long-form landing pages better?

The short answer is, it depends. One study found that long-form pages generate 220% more leads than short pages. However, another study found that short pages outperformed longer ones by 13.5%. So, there’s really no definitive proof that one is better than the other.

Generally speaking, if you have a free and simple offer then a shorter page is probably better, since it doesn’t require a lot of convincing. On the other hand, if you have an expensive offer or a complicated product, a longer page will allow you to better explain the benefits.

Your best bet is to create a short and long version of your landing page, and then do an A/B test to see which one converts better.

Fitness long-form landing page example

Fitness long-form landing page example

What we like

This landing page doesn’t waste any time getting to the benefits—they’re perfectly summarized in the hero section. We also get a preview of the guide in the opening fold so we know what to expect.

If you’re offering any sort of guide or education, it’s important to establish your authority in your space to let people know why they should listen to you. This page does a great job of this by providing a detailed bio of PJ, the creator of the guide being offered here. Between her experience and credentials, it’s clear she’s more than qualified to educate people on fitness.


Finally, the page shares a couple data points to really hammer home the importance of the information that’s being offered to further encourage visitors to download the guide.

1-week challenge long-form landing page example

One-week challenge long form landing page example

What we like

Using a question as your headline often works well, as it provokes curiosity while also reinforcing the problem your audience is facing. This long-form landing page uses this strategy to perfection, getting its readers to nod along with the copy as soon as they land on the page. The countdown timer also creates a sense of urgency, letting visitors know that if they don’t act now they might lose this offer for good.

When promoting a product that requires a big commitment, like the one-week challenge being offered here, you need to let users know what to expect. This page does an excellent job of that by laying out the schedule for the whole week, letting people know exactly what they’ll achieve each day.


Event long-form landing page example

Event long-form landing page example

What we like

Studies show that a smiling face can actually increase conversions. When we see people who are happy we naturally feel happier ourselves. That’s why the hero image on this landing page works so well. When visitors land on the page they see how excited these two people are about the event, which makes them excited as well.

The page also does a great job of showing off social proof by including both positive testimonials and the logos of publications they’ve been featured in.

Another consideration is the placement of your CTA buttons. It’s especially important to include multiple buttons on a long-form landing page so visitors never have to scroll too far to find one. This page places a CTA in an alert bar at the top of the page, so no matter how far people scroll down the button is always there when they’re ready to sign up.


Ebook long-form landing page example

Ebook long-form landing page example

What we like

This long-form landing page starts off with a bang. The headline is excellent, teasing readers that their own profitable business is within reach. There’s also a professionally designed cover for the ebook that adds a lot of legitimacy to the product and a description that creates a sense of urgency.

Further down, the benefits of the book are expanded on in a bulleted list that lets people know not just what they’re getting, but why they should want it.

Finally, there’s a frequently asked questions section at the end. This is a great way to address lingering questions potential leads and customers might have and remove any doubts that are preventing them from taking you up on your offer.


Audit long-form landing page example

Audit long form landing page example

What we like

If you’re worried about some people being intimidated by the length of your landing page, a good tactic is to include a short video at the top of your page that summarizes your offer. That’s what this long-form landing page has done. This way, visitors have the choice of either watching the video or scrolling down and reading the copy.

Review sites like G2 are a great way to build up social proof and collect testimonials for your brand and products. This page features several reviews from G2, plus the badges it’s earned to help reinforce just how much their customers love their product.


If you’re offering a paid product, consider a guarantee or some sort of risk-free option to reassure customers that if they’re not satisfied they won’t be stuck with something they don’t want. In this case, the company is offering a free trial. If you’re confident in the value of your product, letting people try it for free will only help your cause.


Webinar long-form landing page example


What we like

Here’s another example of a great headline. Have you achieved something your audience wants to achieve? Then do what this page has done and use the “How I…” format for your headline. Right away you’re telling people that you’ve been where they are and accomplished something awesome, which is a powerful statement. They also use the first person in their call to action which can increase clicks by as much as 90%.

This long-form landing page is another example of creative ways to show off social proof. Here, they’ve grabbed screenshots of actual conversations they’ve had with their customers. This comes off as a lot more authentic than a regular testimonial.

Workshop long-form landing page example

Workshop long-form landing page example

What we like

Most of the time you only have a few seconds to hook visitors and encourage them to keep reading. That’s why great descriptions in the hero section, like the one on this page, are key to conversions. The page does an excellent job of highlighting the benefits of the offer right away while also letting people know they can achieve results even if they’re a complete beginner.

Another important factor in getting the sale is to show people that your offer is for them. This long-form landing page does that well by highlighting the three camps that visitors likely fall into and explaining why each camp needs the product.


Want to really heighten the value of your offer? Then include some bonuses like this page does. It even includes the value of each item to show visitors just how much they’re saving.


Checklist long-form landing page example

Checklist long-form landing page example

What we like

This long-form landing page just utilizes a headline without a description in the hero section—but when the headline is this good you really don’t need anything else. All the benefits are perfectly captured here, which is sure to get the attention of visitors and urge them to keep reading. Longer headlines like this can be very effective when done right, so consider trying them on your next landing page.

If you’re offering some sort of cheat sheet, checklist, or guide, make sure to let people know what’s included. This page does that well and even bold’s the key benefit of each bullet to really show off the value.


Finally, don’t be afraid to utilize bright colors. Too much can be overwhelming, but this page does it perfectly and really makes the content pop.


Steps to build a long-form landing page

Think a long-form landing page would be perfect for your offer or product? With Leadpages, you can easily build a high-converting page, even if you’re a newcomer to web design. Here’s how:

Select a template

The best way to get started is with a pre-designed template that is already created using conversion best practices. Leadpages has over 250 templates to choose from. Filter through the templates based on type, industry, and even conversion rate, ensuring you discover the perfect fit for your brand and objectives.

Personalize your page

Leadpages’ Landing Page Builder uses a drag-and-drop interface, so you can quickly make changes with a few clicks of your mouse. Add images, tweak text, modify colors, and more.

Most importantly, you can add pre-designed section templates to your page, such as bio, benefit, and testimonial sections. Just drag and drop them anywhere on the page and then customize them as needed. This is perfect for long-from landing pages, as it lets you quickly add additional information to better explain your offer.

Publish it

When you’re ready to make your long-form landing page live, click the “publish” button. You have the option of publishing your page to a Leadpages subdomain, or you can connect a custom domain to your Leadpages account and publish your page there.

Long-form landing page best practices

There are no hard and fast rules about what to include on a long-form landing page. As you’ll see, the examples above often don’t include all the elements we’re about to talk about. It really just comes down to what works and what your audience responds to. That being said, here are seven elements you should definitely consider including on your page to maximize conversions.

Hook visitors with a powerful hero section

The first fold of your landing page (known as the hero section) plays a massive role in determining whether visitors will keep reading your landing page. So, you have to do everything you can to hook them right away and urge them to keep scrolling.

Your hero section generally consists of a headline, a short description, a CTA button, and an image. The most important components are your headline and image. Your headline should be clear, direct, and include the primary benefit people will experience by taking you up on your offer. Choose an image that reinforces your primary benefit while also grabbing attention and building intrigue.

Describe your offer

You can have the best long-form landing page around, but if you’re not offering something people actually want you’re not going to generate many leads and sales.

After your introduction, make sure to clearly lay out your offer. What’s the product and service and what does it include? Ideally, you’ve used the first portion of your landing page to establish the visitor’s problem and then you can present your offer as the solution they’ve been looking for.

If you’re promoting a paid product or service you can list the price in this section. However, some pages wait until the end so there’s more time to establish the value before discussing the price.

Tell people why they want your product or service

After you’ve laid out the features in your offer section it’s time to highlight the benefits. Remember, your features are the “what” and your benefits are the “why” and the “how”.

A bulleted list is often the best way to present your benefits. A good way to start is to list out all the features of your product or service. Then rewrite each feature as a benefit. Think about what problem the feature solves or how it will make people’s lives better.

For example, if you’re a copywriter who offers a three-day turnaround time, the feature is that they get their copy back in three days—but the benefit is that they receive their copy quickly so they can launch their campaign and start making money sooner.

Include your bio or story

Your long-form landing page is often the first time someone is exposed to you. And even if it isn’t, they’re still probably relatively new to your brand. So, while your page should primarily be about how you can help your target audience, it’s worth devoting a small section to talk about yourself.

Mostly, you want to let people know why they should listen to what you have to say. What qualifies you to solve their problems? Use this section to list your credentials and accomplishments.

Even better, if you have a story about how you came up with your product or service include that here. If you can tell visitors that you were once where they are now and discovered a way to achieve what they want to achieve that will really help you win over your audience.

Build trust with social proof

You can write 2,000 words about why your product or service is going to change people’s lives. But it doesn’t matter how much you show the value or provide evidence—people are still going to doubt you. Why? Because it’s your product. Of course you’re not going to say anything bad about it.

That’s why social proof is so important. This can be reviews from customers, logos of clients you’ve worked with or a list of publications you’ve been featured in. Mainly, you need to show that other people believe in you too, so much so that they’re willing to vouch for you. This goes a long way toward removing doubt and making people feel like they’re making a smart decision by taking you up on your offer.

Remove doubts with frequently asked questions

Near the end of your long-form landing page, it’s a good idea to address any questions visitors might still have about your offer. This can be accomplished with a frequently asked questions section.

Read through your landing page and think of any questions or concerns people might have that would hold them back from taking you up on your offer. Don’t avoid the tough questions—if there’s an obvious objection people might have, confront it head-on and show them why they don’t need to worry about it.

If you’re able to answer all of people’s remaining questions you’ll be much more likely to get the lead or sale.

Get the conversion with a strong CTA

If you want people to sign up for your email list or buy your product, tell them. Every long-form landing page needs a call to action (CTA)—a direct statement that tells visitors exactly what you want them to do.

This statement appears on your CTA buttons. Phrases like “Sign Up” and “Buy Now” work fine, but try to be more specific like “Sign Up for Weekly Marketing Updates” or “Buy the Ebook Now”.

At the end of your landing page, devote a whole section to your CTA. This is your final pitch, so sum up your offer and benefits and urge people to take your desired action right now.

Long-form landing page templates

Ready to build your own long-form landing page? Use the templates below as a starting point to save time and launch your page faster.

Physical Product Sales Page with Reviews

long-form landing page template example

This long-form landing page template features a clean look and includes sections for benefits, social proof, and frequently asked questions. This is the perfect template for a physical product but can be adapted for virtually any offer.

Creative Workshop Course Sales Page


If you’re selling an online course then this template is for you. It has a wide range of sections to sum up your course, add reviews and social proof, include your bio, and let people know who the course is for. It also features a cool parallax scrolling effect.

Smart Course Sales Page


This template was also designed with online courses in mind, but like all our templates it’s easily adaptable to virtually any product or service. The “What You’ll Learn” section is perfect for features and benefits, and there’s also room to add reviews and your bio.

eWebinar Masterclass


If you’re creating a long-form landing page for your webinar make sure to check out this template. You can include the topics you’ll cover in your presentation, tell people about yourself, and let people know who your webinar is for.

Build your long-form landing page today

Do you have a product or service that requires a long-form landing page? Luckily, building landing pages has never been easier. With Leadpages, simply choose from 250+ conversion-optimized templates, customize your look with the Drag & Drop Builder, and publish your page in 30 minutes or less.

Try Leadpages free for 14 days and launch your landing page today.


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By Bob Sparkins

A former high school history teacher turned entrepreneur and marketer, Bob has educated business owners worldwide on how to leverage lead generation to grow their brands for over 18 years. Bob is a conversion expert, specifically when it comes to landing pages. Hosting over 1,000 webinars, he has walked thousands of business owners through advanced strategies to help them optimize their pages and maximize their leads and sales. Bob works with Leadpages affiliates and users to ensure they have all the tools, knowledge, and resources they need to build high-converting landing pages that grow their businesses.

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