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Course Landing Page Examples: Get Inspired By These High-Performing Pages

By Bob Sparkins  |  Published Oct 13, 2023  |  Updated Feb 03, 2025
By Bob Sparkins

A marketer with 17 years of experience, Bob has taught over 1,000 webinars and spoken at over 50 events.


Do you have an awesome online course that you’re ready to share with the world? Then you’ll need an equally awesome landing page that highlights the value and really gets people excited. No worries if you’ve never built a landing page before—we’ve got you covered. Check out these seven examples of high-converting course landing pages to learn what works.

What is a course landing page?

A course landing page is a page devoted to promoting an online or offline course. Its sole purpose is to get visitors to sign up for the course, either by submitting their email address or paying for registration. As such, there are no links or menu bars to distract people and all the content is designed to guide people toward a conversion.

Course landing pages can be used for lead generation or sales. A free course is an excellent way to grow your email list while a paid course is a valuable product that you can offer your audience.


75+ Landing Pages You Need to Copy

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What’s the average conversion rate of a course landing page?

The average conversion rate for all landing pages created by Leadpages users is 11%. However, the average course landing page conversion rate is 13%.

Course landing page conversion rate

As with most products, if you’re giving away a free course you can expect a higher conversion rate than if you’re offering a paid course. Your conversion rate will also depend on the quality of your course and how relevant it is to your audience.

Coupon course landing page example

Coupon course landing page example

What we like

The first thing people will want to know about your course is, what are they going learn? This landing page addresses the question early on by including the four key lessons that will be covered in the course.

Visitors will also be curious about who is behind the course. What qualifies the creator to teach this subject? That’s why it’s great to see this page include a bio of the course creator that summarizes her story and her experience.

And to build even more trust, the page finishes by sharing a few testimonials from satisfied customers which should remove any doubts about the value the course provides.

Goal setting course landing page example

Goal setting course landing page example

What we like

A strong headline is the best way to make a good first impression, and this course landing page really nails it. While you can simply use the name of your course as your headline, a better strategy is to come up with something unique that highlights the key benefit your course provides, like this example does.

The page also includes a countdown timer, which is a great way to add a sense of urgency when you have a limited-time offer. It lets visitors know they should act now to take advantage of the offer, rather than leaving it for later (and likely forgetting about it).

And to combat dwindling attention spans, this landing page has a video pitch that sums up the course and offer. That way, if people don’t feel like reading the whole page, they can just watch the video to learn if the course is right for them.

Giveaway course landing page example

Giveaway course landing page example

What we like

Don’t know what the hero image should be for your course landing page? Use a photo of yourself like this example does. People want to see who created the course—and they want to know that they stand behind it. By showing your face, you’re telling people you back up your claims and are confident in the product you’re promoting.

You’ll also want to identify the biggest problems your audience is struggling with. This page calls attention to those issues early on which gets the reader nodding along thinking “this person really understands what I’m going through.”

You can’t always answer every question in your marketing copy which is why the page includes a frequently asked questions section at the end. For paid offers like this, you’ll likely need to add a FAQ to ensure there are no lingering doubts and to get potential customers over the finish line.

Social media course landing page example

Social media course landing page example

What we like

If you’re offering a smaller free course, a big long landing page isn’t necessary. Often a short and simple page like this example will do the trick. Because it’s free, you don’t need a bunch of text to show the value and defend the price. Just summarize what they’ll get and ask them to sign up.

This page also does a good job of making it quick and easy to sign up. Users just have to provide their name and email and they’re in. The less time it takes people to register the more conversions you’ll get.

Wellness business course landing page example

Wellness business course landing page example

What we like

If you’re going to successfully sell your course, you need to tell people how it will benefit them. This course landing page does that right in the hero section, listing out all the benefits and even bolding the key takeaway from each one.

The page also establishes social proof by displaying the logos of publications the creator has been featured in. This establishes her credibility and authority in her industry.

Every successful page needs a strong call to action, and this page definitely has that. Notice how the CTA utilizes the first person? Studies show this can increase conversions by as much as 90%.

Email marketing course landing page example

Email marketing course landing page example

What we like

The hero section of this course landing page is extremely effective. Why? Because it immediately highlights the primary problem visitors are facing and then presents the course as the solution.

The course also benefits from 11 different contributors, all of whom are featured on the page with their headshot, title, and where they work. This increases the value even further and really builds up the credibility of the course.

To top it off, the page promises visitors they’ll finish the course in just five days and lets them know what they’ll learn each day.

Affiliate marketing course landing page example

Affiliate course landing page example

What we like

This example just proves you don’t need to be an expert designer to build a high-converting landing page. The design is minimalistic, but it’s clearly working. Remember, when it comes to design less is often more, as too many images and graphics can distract from the message.

The page also uses a powerful headline. Anytime you’ve accomplished something impressive, use it to your advantage. In this case, the course creator made $100,000 with their website. They know their audience wants to do the same, so they put their achievement right in the title and tell people they're going to fill them in on exactly how they did it.

And if that wasn’t enough, the copy makes it clear that anyone (even complete beginners) can do it. By saying the course is beginner-friendly, it removes another common objection and makes it easier to say yes to the offer.

Course landing page review

Want even more tips on how to create a high-converting course landing page? Check out the video below to watch a Leadpages expert review a landing page from top to bottom.

Steps to create a course landing page

Want to create a course landing page? You’ll be pleasantly surprised how easy it is. Just follow these steps to launch your page in a day or less.

Create a course that will excite your audience

The most important aspect of a course landing page is the course itself. You can have a perfectly optimized landing page that follows all the best practices, but if the course you’re offering isn’t something that appeals to your audience you’re not going to get many conversions.

Whether you’re giving away a free course or offering a longer paid course, it needs to solve a problem for your audience. Put yourself in the shoes of your ideal customer and ask yourself what they’re currently struggling with. Then, develop a course that walks them through the solution.

If it’s a free course then you may not want to provide a complete solution (you don’t want to give away all your secrets for free), but users should still have some actionable takeaways.

Choose a course landing page template

Years ago you’d have to build your course landing page from scratch or hire someone to do it for you. Luckily, that’s no longer the case. There are a wide variety of landing page templates available that are already designed for you and just require a little bit of customization.

For example, Leadpages has over 250 conversion-optimized templates, including many that are specifically designed for promoting courses. All the templates are designed using industry best practices and are mobile responsive.

So, your first step is to browse the library and find a template that suits your brand.

Customize your template and make it your own

Leadpages templates already look great and are ready to publish. But besides adding your own text and images, we recommend you make a few other tweaks before sharing your page with your audience.

First, if you have a logo make sure to include that at the top of the page. Along those same lines, you’ll likely want to change the colors to match your branding. If someone is coming from your website or one of your ads and your landing page looks completely different then it can be a little jarring. You want to keep things consistent to make the customer journey as smooth as possible.

Finally, Leadpages makes it easy to add and remove sections. So, definitely add sections as needed to ensure you have all the room you need to talk about your course. Conversely, if there’s a section that doesn’t fit your needs feel free to remove it.

Send traffic to the page

Once you’re happy with your course landing page it’s time to publish it and share it with your audience. Here are a few strategies you can use to start driving traffic to it:

  • Email: If you have an email list your first step should be to send it to your subscribers.
  • Organic social: After you email your subscribers make sure to post about it on all your social channels.
  • Paid social: You can supplement your organic social posts with paid ads to increase your reach.
  • Paid search: Use Google Ads to target relevant keywords and get in front of people who are searching for courses like yours.

Search engine optimization can also be used to drive traffic to your page. This involves using relevant keywords throughout your landing page and building links to appear higher in organic search results. Keep in mind that this is a long-term strategy and it can take up to six months before you start to get significant traffic from it.

Course landing page best practices

Are you ready to build your own course landing page? Here are a few elements you should include to give yourself the best chance at success.

Provide a course outline

People want to know what lessons are included and where they will be by the end of the course. This is why it’s a good idea to include some sort of outline.

It doesn’t have to be extremely detailed. For a shorter course, a quick summary of the information that will be taught should suffice. However, for a more involved course, it’s a good idea to include a more detailed outline. What will they learn by day three, five, or ten? If you do a good job of showing the value people will be more willing to commit to a longer course.

Give a sneak peek

Potential students want to know what they can expect from your course. It’s hard to determine whether it’s worth the investment without looking inside.

You can provide a sneak peek in a few different ways:

  • Provide screenshots of some of your slides, lessons, and presentations. You can even create a collage of all these materials to really give a sense of what the course is like.
  • Create a video trailer for your course. This involves a little more work but is probably the best way to show off your course. You can include images of course material and a few clips of you giving lessons.
  • Offer the first lesson for free. If you’re selling a paid course, you might consider giving away the first lesson for free. This not only works as a lead magnet, but it also serves as the perfect promotional tool for the rest of the course.

List the benefits

This might sound the same as a course outline, but it’s actually a little different. The course outline tells people what they’ll learn, while benefits tell them how that knowledge will improve their life.

The best way to show off your benefits is to create a bulleted list. Include the top four or five lessons they’ll learn and then turn those into benefits. Here’s an example.

The lesson: How to build a high-converting landing page.

The benefit: Generate more leads, sales, and revenue for your business.

Remember, not everyone will know why the information you’re sharing is important and why they should care. So, make sure to include all the positive outcomes they can expect from taking your course.

Include your bio

Another question visitors will have is who are you and why are you qualified to teach this material? This is why you should devote a small section of your landing page to talking about yourself and your credentials.

If you have any relevant schooling, certifications, or work experience, make sure to put those here. To make this section a little more interesting, you can also include a story about how you learned the information in your course and the ways it’s benefited your own life.

It’s a really powerful statement if you’re able to tell people you were once where they are now and the information in your course allowed you to finally find success.

Provide social proof

Including your bio and credentials will only go so far in proving you’re a qualified teacher. People will want to hear what other students have to say about your course before committing their time and money to it. So, if you have any positive testimonials make sure to include them on your landing page.

A great way to get some reviews is to simply ask for them at the end of the course. This will provide you with some promotional content and give you some much-needed feedback on your material. If someone messages you directly to tell you how much your course helped them you can screenshot these conversations and include those on your page as well.

Testimonials aren’t the only form of social proof. You can also include the logos of publications you’ve been featured in or list any high-profile clients you’ve worked with to build trust with your audience.

Leave no question unanswered

No matter how comprehensive your course landing page is, some people will still have questions. To combat this, make sure to feature some frequently asked questions at the end so visitors have all the information they need.

Do you often receive the same questions about your course? Then this is the perfect opportunity to provide an answer. You can also take this opportunity to address any common concerns or objections people have about your course.

For example, if people often object to the price, you can use a question and answer to explain just how much value they’re receiving. Remember, don’t avoid objections—address them head-on and show why they’re actually not an issue.

Offer a guarantee

For paid courses, you might want to consider adding some sort of money-back guarantee. This is especially true for bigger, more expensive courses. Sure, this could result in a few refunds. But if you truly believe in the value your course provides then you shouldn’t have anything to worry about.

It also puts potential students at ease and removes that final barrier to entry. Once they know that they can get their money back if they’re not happy with the course then the biggest risk is no longer there. This should lead to more sales and revenue, even if you end up giving some people their money back.


Want to build better landing pages?

Download The Complete Landing Page Optimization Checklist to learn what you need to include to maximize your conversion rate.

Course landing page templates

Looking for a quick and easy way to build your course landing page? Try one of these templates to speed up the design process.

Creative Workshop Course Sales Page

Creative course landing page example

This template has everything you’d want from a course landing page, including a section for benefits, your bio, testimonials, and frequently asked questions. While the default content is for a paid course, it’s perfect for a free course as well.

Online Course

Online course landing page example

This is another template that has lots of different sections to help you sell your course. The benefits section allows you to really dive into the value and there’s room to add lots of testimonials from satisfied students.

Real Estate Home Selling Course Teaser

Real estate course landing page example

Want to get straight to the point? This short template is for you. It has a spot for you to include a course trailer or your first lesson. You can then direct people to purchase or sign up for the rest of your course.

Course Countdown

Countdown course landing page example

This template is the perfect way to get people excited about your course and build some hype. The countdown timer adds a sense of urgency to encourage people to sign up now or get on the waitlist, and there are sections to include information about the presenters and the course schedule.

Build your course landing page today

Ready to create a high-converting course landing page? Well, you’re in luck, because Leadpages makes it super easy. Simply choose your template, customize your look in the Drag & Drop Builder, and then share it with your audience.

Try Leadpages free for 14 days to get started today.


75+ Landing Pages You Need to Copy

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By Bob Sparkins

A former high school history teacher turned entrepreneur and marketer, Bob has educated business owners worldwide on how to leverage lead generation to grow their brands for over 18 years. Bob is a conversion expert, specifically when it comes to landing pages. Hosting over 1,000 webinars, he has walked thousands of business owners through advanced strategies to help them optimize their pages and maximize their leads and sales. Bob works with Leadpages affiliates and users to ensure they have all the tools, knowledge, and resources they need to build high-converting landing pages that grow their businesses.

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