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The Ultimate Guide to Creating High-Performing B2B Landing Pages

By Scott Chandler  |  Published May 21, 2024  |  Updated May 21, 2024
By Scott Chandler

As Vice President of Growth Marketing at VonClaro, Scott masterfully orchestrates sophisticated marketing strategies, with a primary focus on search engine optimization (SEO).

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In the realm of digital marketing, crafting a high-performing B2B landing page has become paramount to success. Serving as the very first touchpoint for potential clients, a landing page does more than just offer a warm welcome—it promotes your products and services and generates valuable leads for your business. The main goal of a B2B landing page is to gather contact information from interested parties. From there, you can follow up, build a relationship with them, and hopefully turn them into paying clients.

Here’s everything you need to know about B2B landing pages.

What is a B2B Landing Page?

A B2B landing page is designed to capture your audience's information through a lead-capture form. Its fundamental aim is to convert website visitors into leads. A high-quality landing page focuses on a single objective known as a call to action, making it a critical component in driving conversion.

What Makes a Good B2B Landing Page?

The best B2B landing pages are clear, concise, compelling, and credible. They have a simple layout with focused content, eye-catching design, and persuasive call-to-actions. Most importantly, they’re tailored to audience needs and business goals.

Best Practices for Creating a High-Performing B2B Landing Page

  1. Craft Precise and Attractive Headlines: Your headline is the first thing prospects see, so make it count. It should be concise, clear, and compelling, and it needs to align with the ad that led the visitor to the page.
  2. Clear and Compelling Value Proposition: Clearly define what's unique about your offer and why it’s worth opting for. Use bullets or subheadings for readability and easy scanning.
  3. Optimized Forms: Keep your forms simple and ask only for the information you absolutely need. You want to reduce any barriers to conversion.
  4. Use Relevant Images: Images can significantly increase engagement. Use quality photos that directly relate to your value proposition.
  5. Testimonials: Include testimonials for credibility. They significantly improve trust and foster credibility.
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B2B Landing Page Examples

To provide a tangible understanding, let's consider some Landing page examples of B2B. Google Cloud has an impressive landing page, characterized by a streamlined and appealing design, a strong headline, and a compelling call-to-action. The page directly addresses the targeted audience (developers) and clearly explains their product's benefits.

Our Landing Page templates are another great example. They feature a well-designed and minimalistic design, a strong headline, and a short but effective form.

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What are the key features of a high-performing B2B landing page?

High-performing B2B landing pages typically have these crucial features:

Clear and Concise Headline: This is the first thing visitors see. The headline should immediately tell visitors what the product or service is about and its benefits.

  1. Engaging Sub-headline: A sub-headline should further explain the headline, offering a more in-depth look at the product or service.
  2. Strong Call-to-Action (CTA): The CTA is fundamental in converting visitors into customers. It must be persuasive and tell visitors precisely what they should do next.
  3. Engaging Content: The content should be easy to digest and powerful enough to convince potential customers about the unique benefits of your product or service.
  4. Visual Demonstrations: High-quality videos or images can help visitors comprehend your product or service better.
  5. Testimonials and Reviews: These build social proof and trust, enhancing the credibility of your product or service.
  6. Mobile Optimization: The page must perform seamlessly across all devices, especially mobiles.

How can I create an effective B2B landing page?

Here are the steps to create a compelling B2B landing page:

  1. Identify the target audience: Understand their needs, pain points, and what can attract them.
  2. Define your value proposition: Clearly express why your product/service is valuable or unique.
  3. Design the page: Make sure it reflects your branding and is engaging.
  4. Draft compelling content: Use language that your target audience can easily understand.
  5. Use multimedia wisely: Videos, infographics, charts, etc., can be used to support your claim.
  6. Formulate clear CTAs: Tell visitors what action they should take after visiting your page.
  7. Test and optimize: Adjust based on user experience and feedback for better engagement.

What is the role of a B2B landing page in improving conversions?

A B2B landing page plays a crucial role in generating leads, nurturing them, and ultimately improving conversions by:

  1. Capturing Visitor Information: Landing pages capture essential visitor information with a contact form that can be used for lead nurturing.
  2. Promoting Direct Sales: By highlighting the benefits of the product or service, landing pages convince visitors to make a purchase.
  3. Building Trust: Testimonials and reviews on the landing page can build trust among potential customers.
  4. Providing clear CTAs: They guide visitors on their purchasing journey, leading to improved conversion rates.

Can you provide some tips to optimize my B2B landing page for better results?

Absolutely. Here are some optimization tips for your B2B landing page:

  1. Simplicity: Keep the design simple and clean to avoid distraction.
  2. FOMO: Use FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) to your advantage, like showing limited-time offers.- Personalization: Tailor the content to suit your target audience.
  3. Short forms: Keep forms as short as possible to increase conversions.- Page speed: Optimize for page speed to ensure visitors don't leave out of frustration.
  4. Testing: Practice A/B testing to determine better-performing elements on the page.
  5. Navigation: Remove unnecessary navigation links to reduce distraction and increase conversion.


A high-performing B2B landing page is your ticket to generating leads and nurturing them into customers. Remember to be clear, concise, compelling, and credible in your presentation and maintain alignment with your overall marketing and business objectives.

Implementing these best practices will set you on the correct path toward creating a B2B landing page that yields desirable results. Remember, it’s not about attracting a mass audience; it's about attracting the right audience who will become fruitful leads for your business.

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By Scott Chandler

Scott has been engaged in all aspects of digital marketing since 2007 and currently applies his expertise as Vice President of Growth Marketing at VonClaro. In this capacity, he masterfully orchestrates sophisticated marketing strategies, with a primary focus on search engine optimization (SEO). His extensive understanding of the digital marketing landscape enables him to deliver substantial and measurable results for clients.

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